Sunday, June 13, 2021

White Stork, Dark Days

There are no forbidden questions in science, no matters too sensitive or delicate to be probed, no sacred truths. Thus spoke the American astrophysicist Carl Sagan (1934-96) in his 1995 book, The Demon-Haunted World. Were he still alive, he would doubtless be true to his own philosophy. Moreover, he would be alarmed by the pathological extent to which rational inquiry is currently being censored and suppressed.

I spent yesterday afternoon in the heart of the English countryside. The warmth, sunshine and incessant birdsong provided a welcome antidote to the relentless COVID lies and propaganda spewing from the mouths of mendacious politicians and media misinformants. While walking along a lakeside dingle, my son noticed a white stork perched on a broken tree branch. As it sat there, motionless, in profile, I took out my phone and photographed it ... at the very moment that it spread its wings and took off across the water (Figure 163.1). It was a magnificent spectacle, particularly as white storks have only recently begun breeding in England again, after a hiatus of six hundred years.

Figure 163.1: The white stork (Ciconia ciconia) measures approximately 100-115 cm from beak tip to end of tail, with a 155-215 cm wingspan. Perhaps its most distinctive feature is the partial black colouration of its wings.

Copyright © 2021 Paul Spradbery

As was entirely predictable, the UK’s ‘Freedom Day’, 21st June, is about to be postponed for yet another few weeks. That same ‘just-a-few-more-weeks’ carrot has been dangled in front of the noses of the British public for more than a year now. The government’s nefarious strategy must be clear even to the most gullible: basic freedoms will be withheld from the people until everyone has succumbed to the COVID ‘vaccine’. Impfung macht frei!

Such insistence is both scientifically illiterate and highly dangerous. Vaccination is never indicated for those at negligible risk, which includes almost everyone who does not have serious underlying health issues. Most disturbingly, as the Manic Street Preachers once warned: if you tolerate this, your children will be next. I believe that the government will pressurize parents to have their children injected by the autumn. Nothing could be more diabolical.

I am one of hundreds of thousands of scientists and medics clamouring for these deadly drugs to be withdrawn. We are, tragically, losing the battle; millions have already rolled up their sleeves. Every week, more evidence of such dangers becomes apparent. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that fewer than 10% of serious adverse events (SAEs) are reported. In the UK alone, there have been 1,300 documented deaths immediately after injection. This means that the true figure could be 13,000 or even greater. Any other drug trial would have been terminated after only a fraction of such a mortality rate.

Last week, a biochemist friend, presently working in Japan, emailed to me a recent research paper. It was sponsored by Pfizer and submitted to the Japanese government. The results are terrifying and prove that the world-renowned Professor Sucharit Bhakdi was correct all along: the gene-based drugs ‘leak’. That is, genetic instructions to synthesize viral (spike) proteins will reach cells in every mammalian organ (Figures 163.2 & 163.3). It necessarily follows that immune cells known as killer T-lymphocytes will attack and destroy every cell that is immunologically ‘flagged’. The end result is multiple organ failure. Pfizer knew this all along!

Figures 163.2 & 163.3: Proof that SARS-CoV-2 gene-based drugs stimulate viral antigen synthesis in all mammalian organs.

Copyright © 2021 Pfizer Inc.

Other proven serious risks include infertility, cancer, blood-clotting disorders and myocarditis (heart muscle inflammation). These are well known and can be understood by anyone who knows how to research and critique primary, peer-reviewed scientific literature. Of course, there will be no warnings by politicians or corporate media, whose strict objective is to keep the unthinking masses in the dark for as long as possible.

So many individuals remain oblivious to the fact that these gene-based drugs are unlicensed medical experiments. SAEs are systematically ignored by corporate media. Big Pharma have immunity from criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages, despite there having been neither pre-clinical trials nor standard tests on animals. The ‘guinea pigs’ are humans.

In the USA, in December of last year, a healthy, 30-year-old female nurse called Tiffany Pontes Dover was televised receiving her injection. She fainted minutes later and is believed to have died within weeks. (There remains some controversy regarding her death certificate.) The first British person to be injected, an 81-year-old man called William Shakespeare, died just months after his injection. (Given the mean mortality age ‘within 28 days of a positive PCR test’ of 82 years, old age by itself cannot be discounted.) Former world boxing champion ‘Marvelous’ Marvin Hagler, 66 years old and supposedly healthy, passed away two weeks after his.

Figure 163.4: American nurse Tiffany Pontes Dover being injected live on television. Despite having neither been seen nor heard (on social media) for months, corporate ‘fact-checker’ web sites maintain, without a shred of proof, that she is alive and well.

Copyright © 2021 IB Times Co. Ltd

Of course, causation remains unproven in each case. Nonetheless, it would be negligent not to ask the forbidden question: did the drug contribute to these, and many more, sudden, premature deaths? The fact that the powers-that-be refuse either to acknowledge or investigate the possibility of drug-induced fatalities is ominous. Are there no mainstream journalists with the requisite integrity to ask an honest question? It would seem not – but why not?

At five o’clock yesterday afternoon, my son and I arrived home just in time to watch the Denmark versus Finland Euro 2020 match. After 42 minutes of the first half, Danish midfielder Christian Eriksen fell to the ground and lay motionless. What followed was shocking: close-up footage of the stricken player being given cardio-pulmonary resuscitation on the pitch, while his distressed team-mates formed a human cordon around him (Figure 163.5). I counted the minutes and feared the worst. An hour passed before a statement was issued, reporting that Eriksen was awake and stable in a nearby Copenhagen hospital.

Figure 163.5: As one of the world’s most intelligent footballers, Christian Eriksen has been a personal favourite of mine for the past few years. Like all football nuts, I hope his recovery is rapid and complete, although I doubt that he will ever play again. Danish medical experts will work to determine the cause of Eriksens collapse. Whether their verdict is subsequently suppressed might well depend on its nature. 

Copyright © 2021 This Day Newspapers Ltd

The chief medic (and cardiologist) at Eriksen’s club, Inter Milan, had admitted, on Radio Sportiva, that the player had received the ‘vaccine’ just 12 days previously. (The radio station has since tried to backtrack.) Again, I would stress: cause and effect have not yet been established. However, I am certain that media will refuse to raise the perfectly legitimate question: did the drug, which is proven to have severely detrimental effects on the heart, contribute to Eriksen’s sudden collapse?

How many more unwitting individuals, many coerced, almost all misinformed, must risk death or serious debilitation at the hands of globalist psychopaths and their complicit political puppets? Malevolent individuals did not disappear after World War Two. They still exist, and their lust for control over humanity is unsatiated.

I think of the stork at the lake: a manifestation of rare beauty in a world brimming with evil.

Copyright © 2021 Paul Spradbery

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