Thursday, December 23, 2021

Learn More, Believe Less

There are two routes to certainty. One is by knowing everything; the other by knowing nothing but believing everything. The former is an exhausting trek up an endless foggy hillside; the latter passive, comfortable and thus seductive to the mentally lazy. History is littered with examples of both. In the first case, scholars and researchers have devoted their entire lives to critical thinking and an honest pursuit of objective knowledge, often in extremely narrow fields, often fruitless and hence uncelebrated. In the second, mindless multitudes have submitted to spoon-feeding by master manipulators who have lured them with the reassurance: we will serve you with ready-made answers, no questions or thinking required on your part. What could be easier?

At no time has this distinction been more pronounced than during the ‘COVID pandemic’. Mass media, particularly online, have been (and still are) infested with self-anointed ‘fact-checkers’. It is telling that none of them states openly the sources of their sponsorship. What is more, citations are poorly or inadequately sourced. (I tracked one truly outlandish assertion about a deadly new COVID variant’ back to its primary source: a report by the BBC! Ye gods.) It is psychological exploitation, and its practitioners have learned well their trade from history books. If you have ever wondered how dictators have managed to brainwash entire populations, this ‘pandemic’ would be the perfect place to begin (Figure 183.1).

Figure 183.1: Adherence to these ridiculous things astounded me from the beginning. It is pleasing to note that such dopey obedience is declining.

Copyright © 2020 DickHoits

Such mass credulity might not be dangerous in itself. The consequences, however, can be potentially catastrophic. As George Orwell pointed out:

Those who can be made to believe absurdities can be made to commit atrocities.

Orwell’s thesis is, as usual, correct. A common characteristic of Stalin, Hitler, Franco, Mao and Pol Pot is that none of these men killed a single soul. Commenting on the Spanish Civil War (1936-9), Orwell added:

... atrocities are believed or disbelieved in solely on grounds of political predilection. Everyone believes in the atrocities of the enemy and disbelieves in those of his own side, without ever bothering to examine the evidence.

The ‘pandemic’ saga has taken an alarming turn since the beginning of this month. The Austrian government has announced that repeated injections with the (useless but lethal) ‘COVID’ drugs are to become mandatory. This rape-by-needle diktat contravenes the Declaration of Helsinki (2013), the Nuremberg Code (1947), on which the Declaration is based, and Article 32 of the Geneva Convention (1949) – in other words, the entire foundation of medical ethics.  That other Austrian-born dictator, the one with the funny little moustache, would have loudly approved.

Germany seems to be following suit, as does Greece. Meanwhile, in Australia and New York State, quarantine (concentration) camps have already been built, the ones in Queensland, Australia already being in use. If such schemes had been reported from Iran or North Korea, there would have been a chorus of self-righteous condemnation from leaders of Western democracies. There has not, however, been a solitary squeak of objection from any of these governments who piously claim to be staunch defenders of human liberty. UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s silence has been noted (along with his hypocrisy, scientific illiteracy and everyday imbecility). I would conclude that most other governments have remained silent because they have similar plans.

It would not, of course, be politicians themselves who would be responsible for executing these abhorrent schemes. Their henchmen-in-waiting are those that have swallowed all the ‘COVID’ propaganda and parrot the false mantras: SARS-CoV-2 is an especially lethal virus; it was right to ban safe, cheap anti-viral therapeutics such as ivermectin; the ‘vaccines’ are properly tested, safe and effective; masks, lockdowns and (anti-)social distancing are beneficial to public health; and the ‘selfish, dirty anti-vaxxers’ pose a mortal threat to the ‘socially-responsible vaccinated’. Having no basis in empirical science, it is classic divide et impera, but all the devout Covidians fail, as ever, to realize that they are being played. As well as being scientifically ignorant, they seem never to have read any Shakespeare.

I shall, nonetheless, end 2021 on an optimistic note. All over the world, people’s eyes are being opened to the ‘COVID’ deception. There are probably numerous reasons, but here are just two.

Despite governmental scaremongering, and dictatorial tendencies going into overdrive regarding the ‘super-mutant omicron variant’, it is clear that there is little to worry about. Any future restrictions will now be viewed with intense suspicion and, by an increasing number of us, ignored altogether. Welcome news.

Lastly, as I noted in Article 180, awareness of the number of professional sportsmen suffering severe cardiac pathology during play is gaining traction in people’s minds. As I write, there have been a staggering 375 cardiac arrests, including 214 deaths, following ‘vaccination’ this year (Figure 183.2), a massive jump from all previous years.

Figure 183.2: ‘COVID’ jabs → cardiac pathology.
The most comprehensive list of such incidents that I have found can be read at:

Naturally, panicking ‘fact-checkers’ are desperate to convince readers that the independent journalists who have compiled this website are substandard and 100% wrong. I am sure that the contributors to GoodSciencing would welcome fair scrutiny of their findings. It is, as I mentioned earlier, only the ‘fact-checkers’ themselves who insist being taken at their word.

Copyright © 2021 Freedom of Speech

Next year, we shall discover whether ‘The Great Pandemic’ lies will become exposed fully to the world. We must hope that 2022 will be the year of The Great Awakening and, consequently, The Great Reckoning. If this is to happen, entire populations must learn a little more and believe a lot less.

Copyright © 2021 Paul Spradbery

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