Tuesday, December 12, 2023

So This Is (Almost) Xmas

2023 has almost run its course. I had planned to write a few last words about the state of play regarding the clot shot holocaust, particularly the 2,500 excess deaths occurring every week in the UK. It turns out that the intrepid broadcaster Neil Oliver, a fellow doughty critic of the ‘COVID’ scam, has saved me considerable effort. His latest monologue (Figure 242.1), shown on GB News at the weekend, conveys almost everything that I had thought to discuss.

Figure 242.1: Neil Oliver’s latest monologue, and perhaps his best yet, can be viewed at:

Copyright © 2023 GB News

The awakening seems to be well under way. Even the execrable Channel 4, generally a cesspit of ‘woke’ and dopey leftism masquerading as journalism, has finally posed the all-important question (Figure 242.2).

Figure 242.2: Hmmm, I wonder what on Earth it could be. If you take the trouble to read the 2,000+ comments beneath this YouTube video —

— you will discover that the truth is dawning on more and more of the British people. Incidentally, the young lady in the photograph, Clarissa Nicholls, is the latest to have ‘died suddenly and unexpectedly’. She was reading Foreign Languages at Cambridge (pictured). RIP.

Copyright © 2023 Channel 4 News

The current ‘COVID inquiry’ is, of course, a farcical whitewash in the making. Not even the most fundamental questions have been, or will be, asked in this theatre of the absurd. The perpetrators of this unparalleled crime against humanity will deny everything to the last. If, of course, they were to admit the truth — 20 million clot shot deaths worldwide, to date — they would be dealt the most severe form of justice. So, this taxpayer-funded charade of desperation rolls on and on.

What about 2024? One thing is for certain: as the excess deaths and debilitating injuries continue, the awakening will gather momentum. What is equally clear is that the globalist criminals will concoct ever more evil deeds in a frantic attempt to distract the world. There is already talk of ‘a new pandemic’. The World Health Organization (WHO) is trying to force its grossly unethical ‘pandemic treaty’, which includes mandatory ‘vaccinations’, on its constituent nations. Fortunately, there is plenty of pushback, Slovakia being the latest nation to tell the WHO where to inject their deadly clot shots.

On the scientific front, there is overwhelming reason to be suspicious. The WHO, World Economic Forum (WEF), Bill Gates and the other ‘COVID’ perps have made it clear that ‘there will be another pandemic’, not that there was one in 2020. This ‘next one will get everyone’s attention,’ according to Gates. How does he know? Well, is it not obvious? The forthcoming ‘pathogenic agent’ might already have been injected into two-thirds of the human race. How devious: now the likes of Gates can be sure who will be affected and who will not. (Think: these sociopaths would never release a killer pathogen indiscriminately, for fear of killing themselves with it. The victims were conned into self-selection.)

How could this ‘second pandemic’ happen? The peculiar pharmacologic mechanism of the clot shot provides the answer. The toxic payload is contained within lipid nano-particles (LNP). These are tiny fat-based globules capable of cellular entry throughout the body. The contents remain protected by the LNP ‘envelope’ from the body’s immune defences against ‘non-self’ material.

What has the capacity to open this LNP-lined Pandora’s Box? It is microwave radiation (5G) at a frequency of 18 GHz. If such impulses are emitted systematically from the now-ubiquitous 5G towers, erected during lockdown in 2020, the LNPs will swell, rupture and release whatever toxic agents lie within. This phenomenon is well documented in the literature.

The victims of the so-called ‘next pandemic’ might, therefore, have already been earmarked by injection. If this occurs, further carnage would almost certainly be blamed on another ‘novel virus’, perhaps Marburg or Ebola, and ‘diagnosed’ by another fraudulent ‘PCR test’. Tyrannical restrictions would swing into action once again, and the unthinking would welcome further erosion of basic liberties. (They might even stand on their doorsteps clapping for a health service to which they are denied access.) The resultant deaths, caused by the ‘COVID vaccines’, would then be falsely attributed to a ‘new pandemic’.

Cast your mind back to October 2019. The Gates Foundation funded Event 2O1 (Article 132), a theoretical exercise, war-gaming a coronavirus pandemic. Despite no such thing having ever previously occurred, an ‘emergency’ of exactly this description was declared a matter of weeks later. Hardly a coincidence. Furthermore, also months before any of us had heard the word ‘COVID’, the European Commission published a document outlining its plan for ‘vaccine passports’ to be forced upon millions of Europeans (Figure 242.3).

Figure 242.3: More evidence that the pandemic was planned well in advance. (Click the schematic to enlarge for better legibility.)

Copyright © 2019 European Commission

This is damning stuff, and we must continue to be vigilant. In October 2022, Gates funded an identical table-top simulation event, this one entitled Catastrophic Contagion, involving another novel pathogen, causing ‘severe epidemic enterovirus respiratory syndrome 2025’ or SEERS-25. It should be obvious to everyone with more than two grey cells that another worldwide ‘emergency’ is being planned. 

A non-medical angle of attack could involve power grid or internet failure caused by systematic sabotage. The UK government has already warned the British people of a forthcoming cyber attack and advised the immediate stocking-up of household items such as candles. Could this threat be related to another recent series of table-top simulations known as Cyber Polygon?

2024 promises to be another year of globalist lies, incessant propaganda, false flags, clot shot deaths and various other democidal assaults on humanity. Be in no doubt, though: these evil creatures are becoming increasingly desperate. They would scorch the earth before relinquishing power.

Remember always: the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.

El Escritor Inglés will resume with a bang in the New Year.

UPDATE: 29-year-old Luton Town footballer Tom Lockyer has just suffered his second cardiac arrest on the field of play, the first having taken place in May. 33-year-old Canadian journalist Ian Vandaella, who advocated ‘vaccine’ passports for all and quarantine camps for the ‘unvaccinated’, has died, suddenly and unexpectedly. I have sympathy for Mr Lockyer.

Copyright © 2023 Paul Spradbery

Wednesday, October 04, 2023

Another Day, Yet Another Medical Emergency

Here we go yet again. Just four days ago, I concluded Article 240 thus:

What will it take for the masses to wake up? Another similar tragedy? Or thousands more?

Yesterday evening, at Leyton Orient’s football stadium on Brisbane Road, East London, a (male) spectator collapsed in the 83rd minute of a home match against Lincoln City. Having witnessed the incident, about twenty fans ran onto the pitch — normally prohibited — to attract the attention of the referee who immediately halted play.

Despite being given cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) pitchside by paramedics, the man was later pronounced dead (Figure 241.1).

Figure 241.1: Despite millions of deaths constituting a mere statistic, each single death remains a tragedy. RIP.

Copyright © 2023 Guardian News & Media Limited

Elsewhere, the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to Katalin Karikó (1955-) and Drew Weissman (1959-) (Figure 241.2) ‘for their discoveries concerning nucleoside base modifications that enabled the development of effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19’. Is this a sick joke?

Figure 241.2: While there is no doubting either the integrity or scientific acumen of Karikó (left) and Weissman (right), if my endeavours had played any role, direct or indirect, in the democide of tens of millions of fellow humans, I, too, would cover my face. Furthermore, I would, point blank, refuse a Nobel Prize nomination.

Copyright © 2023 Nobel Prize Outreach AB

In the light of overwhelming medical and statistical evidence, it is now scientifically valid to conclude that all further episodes of ‘died suddenly and unexpectedly’ are consequences of the clot shot until proven otherwise. Meanwhile, we await the next tragedy.

*          *          *          *          *

Postscript 1: The ‘next tragedy’ was reported by mainstream media before I had even published this article (Figure 241.3).

Figure 241.3: This teacher, in his 50s, suffered a heart attack at his desk at 7:30 a.m. and, despite being given CPR by his colleagues, was confirmed dead shortly afterwards.

Copyright © 2023 Express Newspapers

Postscript 2: Before I had completed Postscript 1, one of my sons sent the following WhatsApp message to me (Figure 241.4).

Figure 241.4: Hospital cardiologists know the score. If only they had the guts to speak out.

Copyright © 2023 Meta Platforms

Postscript 3: Italian authorities are investigating the cause of a horrific bus crash near Venice. 21 people died, including the driver. The bus crashed through the guardrail and off an overpass yesterday evening, smashing into the ground more than 10 metres below and catching fire (Figure 241.5). 

Figure 241.5: A cardiac issue is already suspected.

Copyright © 2023 Reuters

I shall close for now, otherwise I risk being up all night.

Copyright © 2023 Paul Spradbery

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Another Day, Another Medical Emergency

Yesterday morning, a bus carrying children to school on the M53 motorway crashed, killing its 40-year-old driver and a 15-year-old female passenger. I have worked at a laboratory just a few hundred yards from the crash site, so I know the area well. Moreover, one of my own children spent seven years at one of the schools to which the bus was heading.

As soon as I heard the dreadful news, I wondered: was this yet another tragedy where the driver had had a ‘medical episode’ and ‘died suddenly and unexpectedly’? My suspicions were confirmed this morning (Figures 240.1 & 240.2).

Figure 240.1

Copyright © 2023 Reach plc

Figure 240.2

Copyright © 2023 Reach plc

Such incapacitation is not new. Of course, I cannot state with certainty the cause of the driver’s ‘medical issue’, but overwhelming statistical evidence cannot be ignored. In the US, Dr William Makis (Figure 240.3), a distinguished Canadian physician, has reported, on his website, a number of identical ‘episodes’ happening to bus drivers, as well as airline pilots. There has been a hugely significant increase since 2021.

Figure 240.3: Dr William Makis, MD has cited many similar cases at:

Copyright © 2023 Totality of Evidence

Excess deaths in the UK currently equate to a major aircraft crash every day. If all the deaths were of ‘unvaccinated’ people, it would be all over corporate media news, would it not? This explains the ongoing silence. To all those who are aware of this fact, and the undeniable cause of it, and continue to remain silent, you have blood on your hands.

What will it take for the masses to wake up? Another similar tragedy? Or thousands more?

Copyright © 2023 Paul Spradbery

Sunday, September 24, 2023

As Deadly As World War I

Something strange but welcome happened to me a couple of days ago. While paying for petrol at a station fifty miles from home, the cashier, a young man no older than twenty, said to me, quite casually:

I take it you won’t be having a COVID booster injection.
No,’ I replied. ‘I don’t have a death wish.

His unexpected remark caught me on the hop. Given that he almost certainly did not know who I was, I drove away picturing the wary expression on his face and wondered: if he had thought nothing of bringing up the subject of the clot shot to a passing stranger, then perhaps he is representative of millions of other people just like himself. I returned home hoping that he would make the same remark to all his other customers.

In Article 238, published a fortnight ago, I stated that the number of clot shot deaths in the UK to be approximately 100,000. Since then, no one has challenged my assertion, which is unusual. Most articles used to instigate a knee-jerk regurgitation of bile from the brainwashed legions. Not this one. My calculated figure for worldwide deaths is about 20 million — the equivalent of three Nazi Holocausts in less than three years — with who knows how many more to come.

Former Wall Street data analyst, and author of the best-selling book Cause Unknown, Edward Dowd, gave a conservative estimate of 13 million deaths, extrapolated from official statistics. In an interview given last week (Figure 239.1), he stated:

We’re getting there [the tipping point] quickly as word of mouth spreads on the dangers of these vaccines. And when we get to a critical amount of people, the anger will be such that the politicians will understand that something’s changed, the regulators will start to worry, and we’ll start to see something — or an event that will cover it all up.

The folks of Maui used to treat me differently when I was doing what I was doing, meaning they thought I was full of crap. Now, they want to hang out with me, because that’s the word of mouth spreading. Booster uptake for me is [also] word of mouth. People are clearly not running towards the boosters anymore.

What do people at the highest levels behind the scenes start to do when the rank and file start to realize they [and their loved ones] have been murdered? In more normal times, we’d peacefully vote all these people out, then investigate them and prosecute them. But these crimes are so horrific [that] I think the establishment is going to try to create a diversion or steal the [US] election to prevent themselves from ever being prosecuted. Because once this comes to light, there’ll be no place to hide on the planet, in my humble opinion.

Figure 239.1: The full 33
½-minute interview, given by Ed Dowd to Naomi Wolf of the Daily Clout, can be seen at:

A 2½-minute excerpt is available at:

Copyright © 2023 Daily Clout

In Canada, Dr Denis Rancourt (Figure 239.2), a former Professor of Physics at the University of Ottawa, has just published a comprehensive paper examining ‘vaccine’ deaths in the Southern Hemisphere. After watching yesterday evening’s World Cup rugby on television, I spent six hours into the night ploughing through Dr Rancourt’s data and found no serious faults in its methodology. (To date, no one else has, either.) He estimates 17 million worldwide deaths — i.e. 1 fatality per 470 living persons (0.213 ± 0.006% of the world population) in less than 3 years, with no measurable prevention of any deaths. Bear in mind that the fatality rate of real vaccines is reputed to be about 1 per million.

Figure 239.2: Dr Denis Rancourt holds three physics degrees, including a Ph.D., and was Lead Scientist at the University of Ottawa for 23 years. His paper can be read at:

Copyright © 2023 Marquette University Law School

A scientist friend of mine, currently beavering away at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, has analysed data from the restricted section of Eudravigilance. This is the system for managing and analysing information on suspected adverse reactions to medicines in the European Economic Area. His estimate, gained from percentages which have remained steady, is that a staggering 0.5% of those receiving at least one injection died. Given the global estimate of ‘vaccine’ uptake of 72%, this suggests a death toll of more than 28 million.

Different data sets yield different overall figures. Nonetheless, we are talking tens of millions. As television’s favourite Scouser Jim Royle would have said: ‘Safe and effective, my arse.

This weekend’s rugby theme is about to continue, so I shall publish this article and await the inevitable responses. One of my sons has just begun his first year at university and is playing his first match this afternoon. As I pace up and down a muddy touchline, savouring every minute of watching my kid going hell-for-leather at the game he loves, I shall spare a private thought for the parents of 27-year-old Maddy Cusack, who died suddenly and unexpectedly last week. Maddy played football for Sheffield United women’s team, making more than 100 appearances for her club. The cause of Maddy’s death has not been confirmed publicly, but, given the skyrocketing number of deaths among her age group since 2021, and that she announced her ‘vaccination’ status on social media (Figure 239.3), the world is entitled to wonder whether she is just another one of the many millions to have #diedsuddenly.

Figure 239.3: RIP Maddy Cusack (1995-2023)

Copyright © 2023 X

One final observation, before I close the laptop and put on my boots: attached to the external wall of the aforementioned petrol station is a cardiac defibrillator in a bright yellow box. They have popped up everywhere recently.

Copyright © 2023 Paul Spradbery

Monday, September 11, 2023

Plandemic II

If the following document (Figure 238.1) is genuine, then the globalists might be about to implement ‘Plandemic II’.

Figure 238.1: I apologize for the poor quality of the copy. It was emailed to me as a JPEG file, and the resolution is quite low.

Copyright © 2023 World Economic Forum

Here in the UK, the brave, outspoken Andrew Bridgen (1964-) (Figure 238.2), Member of Parliament for Northwest Leicestershire, spoke recently to high-ranking US military officials.

‘ ... the suspicion is there’s going to be lockdown measures brought in America, or they’re going to try. Masks on or around 14th/15th Sept. Full lockdown by the middle of October. And various other nasties in the pipeline. And I’m pretty sure that that’s the same thing they’re looking to bring in in the UK.

‘The public is not going to wear this, quite honestly … I think the whole pandemic response is being fairly rapidly exposed as the sham it is and the shambles it is of misguided policy … I would say that 80% of the people in the UK now know there’s something wrong with the vaccines and they’re not actually safe … technically they’re not really vaccines, they’re gene therapy.

‘"No" is a very small word unless enough people say it then in that case it has big meaning. The people are currently scared of the politicians because they don’t know what they’re going to inflict on them next. Well, that needs to stop. And, I’m afraid, the politicians do need to be scared of the people. And I think that’s coming now.

Figure 238.2: Andrew Bridgen: one of few MPs with integrity and courage

Official Portrait Photo by UK Parliament Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) licence. House of Commons Chamber photos and videos courtesy of Parliamentlive.tv.
Copyright © 2023

The number of ‘vaccine’ deaths in the UK exceeds 100,000 (reported figure × underreporting factor). More than one million have been injured significantly. Many of these victims will be aware of the cause of their injuries. Their families, friends and work colleagues will be equally aware. If this proportion of the population, along with the ‘purebloods’ (30%) and all other thinking individuals, refuse to comply with any further State diktat, then the counter-revolution against the evil globalists will have begun.

Let them try it again – if they dare to.

Copyright © 2023 Paul Spradbery

Friday, August 25, 2023

NHS: The Penny Drops

Some welcome news to end the summer (Figure 237.1).

Figure 237.1: Only the incurably stupid do not know why; and only the most nauseatingly dishonest pretend not to know why.

Copyright © 2023 Reach plc

It was the bravest of NHS staff – all 120,000 of them – who refused to be injected and thereby scuppered the government’s unethical plan for mandated toxic experimental injections for all. Today, the data show that resistance is much more widespread. NHS staff have witnessed the unprecedented number of deaths and serious injuries which these drugs have caused.

Indeed, most people now know the truth. Some of us knew from the start.

Copyright © 2023 Paul Spradbery

Friday, August 18, 2023

Edward Dowd @ The Highwire

I must apologize for having been absent from these pages for a while. The summer break has been hectic, but I promise that I will not be cowed into silence. The articles will continue.

Since I published the previous article, more than ten weeks ago, official data from the UK have shown that the incidence of ‘vaccine’-induced illnesses, such as autoimmune disease, turbo cancers, blood clots and myocarditis – which I predicted prior to the drugs’ rollout – is still increasing and at an increasing rate. All-cause mortality, hospital visits and work absences are excessively high, way beyond precedent, and neither government nor media are prepared to ask why, at least not in public. We are, therefore, witnessing not only the biggest ever crime in history but also the biggest ever cover-up.

The video below (Figure 236.1) features an episode of The Highwire, presented by Del Bigtree and featuring an informative interview with the former Wall Street data analyst, Edward Dowd (Figure 236.2), author of the best-selling book Cause Unknown. If you believe that Ed has miscalculated his derived statistics, used incorrect methodologies or inadequate references, then please let me know. I have gone through his entire data sets several times and can find no flaws.

Figure 236.1: Del Bigtree’s interview with Ed Dowd is 25½ minutes long.

The video can be viewed in higher resolution at:

Copyright © 2023 The Highwire

Figure 236.2: Edward Dowd is correct: the people are, at last, awakening.

Copyright unknown

All that it will take to ignite the biggest protest in history is a spark from somewhere.

Copyright © 2023 Paul Spradbery

Tuesday, June 06, 2023

Citizens Awaken

‘Until an infectious disease crisis is very real, present, and at an emergency threshold, it is often largely ignored. To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis, we need to increase public understanding of the need for MCMs [Medical CounterMeasures] such as a pan-influenza or pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process (2015).’
 Peter Daszak (c.1965-), Member of the World Health Organization

We decide on something, put it on the table and wait a while to see what happens. If there’s no big hue and cry and no uproar, because most people don’t even understand what’s been decided, then we continue – step by step, until there’s no turning back.'
 Jean-Claude Juncker (1954-), President of the EU Commission (2014-2019)

We frighten the pants off everyone with the new strain. When do we deploy the new variant?'
 Matt Hancock (1978-), UK Secretary of State for Health (2018-2021)

‘COVID is critical because this is what convinces people to accept, to legitimize, total biometric surveillance.’
– Yuval Noah Harari (1976-), Member of the World Economic Forum

‘We can’t go back to normal until pretty much everyone on the planet is vaccinated.’
Bill Gates (1955-), Computer salesman with no qualifications in either science or medicine

I am suffering from malignant lymphoma after receiving the vaccine three times. A video of me discussing the effects of the vaccine with Professor Yasumasa Inoue, an expert in molecular biology, was banned by Google. Japan is the country where the highest number of people have received the vaccine worldwide and also has the highest number of excess deaths. I am concerned that Japanese citizens are suffering and dying from the effects of the vaccine.’
– Kazuhiro Haraguchi (1959-), Member of the Japanese Parliament

When the citizens awaken, the elites are finished. Time to wake up!
 Christine Anderson (1968-), Member of the European Parliament

The awakening continues (Figure 235.1).
 Dr Paul Spradbery (1966-), British scientist and writer

Figure 235.1: ‘Admit it, Covidians, you were duped.’
That would take integrity and courage.

Copyright unknown

COVID’ failed. It was a sinister means to an end, namely to inject the whole world and impose a universal Certificate Of Vaccination Identity Document’, facilitating programmable Central Bank currency and, ultimately, a one-world government. Unfortunately for the evil perps, 30% of humanity remains resolutely ‘unvaccinated’. We are the heroic control group, to which the dead, dying and disabled ‘vaccinated’ in the experimental group are now being compared. Moreover, given the horrific number of deaths and disabilities, resistance to mandatory injections will have increased further. The truth is available to anyone who bothers to look at the evidence.

The ‘novel coronavirus’, whose genetic sequence was published in 2020, has never been isolated from a purified clinical sample taken from a ‘COVID’ patient. Hence, it has not been the proven cause of any acute infectious respiratory disease. Hence, it is all but certain that no specific disease called ‘COVID’ even exists. What people lazily call ‘COVID’ is simply colds, flu, idiopathic bacterial pneumonia etc. rebranded under a different name. This explains why, in 2020-1, the flu miraculously vanished in almost exactly the same statistical numbers as ‘COVID’ appeared (Figure 235.2).

Figure 235.2: Only Covidians find this mystery difficult to solve.

Copyright © 2023 World Health Organization

Every day, more and more citizens awaken. The Great Reckoning is beckoning.

Copyright © 2023 Paul Spradbery

Monday, May 22, 2023

The Shocky Horror Show

Among all the manipulated ‘COVID’ statistics of 2020-3, there are some sets of figures that cannot lie. I refer to actuarial data, from which insurance companies calculate their premiums. Even if cause of death is recorded fraudulently, overall excess mortality cannot be doctored (Figure 234.1).

Figure 234.1: These reports are now coming thick and fast. Even so, no corporate media publication has the guts to acknowledge the reason. In his best-selling book, Cause Unknown, financial data analyst Edward Dowd states it emphatically.

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
– Martin Luther King (1929-68)

Copyright © 2023 Express Newspapers

Meanwhile, across the pond in the US: I know I should not laugh, but ... (Figure 234.2).

Figure 234.2: Whatever it takes to convey the message ...

Copyright unknown

Copyright © 2023 Paul Spradbery

Saturday, May 13, 2023

And So It Begins

The dam is breaking. The brave Andrew Bridgen, MP is suing the former UK Secretary of State for Health, Matt Hancock, for libel, after the disingenuous Hancock accused Mr Bridgen of antisemitism for accurately quoting a Jewish doctor. Some reptilian barrister will now doubtless be licking his chops, and I look forward to hapless Hancock being devoured in the High Court. The case proves that arch-Covidian Hancock is even more stupid than I already thought, by drawing attention to the very issue that he is desperate to avoid, namely the lies told by him and the likes of Whitty and Vallance, which have contributed to so many thousands of deaths.

Meanwhile, after the left-leaning Daily Mirror published a piece on the UK’s current excess mortality of 2,500 deaths per week — Article 232 — the right-leaning Daily Mail has, today, included two separate reports of ‘vaccine’ deaths and injuries (Figure 233.1 & 233.2).

Figure 233.1: This is a start, I suppose, but it reeks of damage limitation. The real figure is many multiples greater than 90, but this admission will encourage others to step forward. All ‘COVID vaccine’ manufacturers were, tellingly, given full indemnity from prosecution; but, once fraud is proven, all such protection will be null and void.

Copyright © 2023 DMG Media

Figure 233.2: Cases such as these will serve only to create a massive outpouring of public anger. I look forward to it.

Copyright © 2023 DMG Media

This afternoon, in London’s Trafalgar Square, the latest ‘Truth Be Told’ rally took place (Figure 233.3). It was, predictably, ignored by State and corporate media who were responsible for terrifying the public with their lies and meticulously-prepared propaganda. Its speakers included Dr Tess Lawrie (Figure 233.4) and Dr Mike Yeadon (Figure 233.5).

Figure 233.3: Each rally is, not surprisingly, bigger than the one before.

Copyright © 2023 TRUTH BE TOLD

Figure 233.4: These grotesque statistics, reported by Dr Lawrie, are still being purposefully ignored by politicians, most of the mass media and the majority of medical professionals. They all deserve to be put on trial.

Copyright © 2023 Twitter

Figure 233.5: Dr Mike Yeadon, expert pharma-toxicologist and a former Vice-President of Pfizer, states what we both know to be true: the ‘vaccines’ are meant to cause harm.

Copyright © 2023 TRUTH BE TOLD

The ‘gradually’ phase of the dam breach has been underway for some time now. The ‘suddenly’ phase is imminent, and the wrath of mankind will resemble nothing the world has ever witnessed.

5.5 billion (of 8 billion) souls on Earth have been deliberately, and permanently, poisoned.

UPDATE: The Johnson & Johnson ‘COVID vaccine’ has now been banned in the USA.

Copyright © 2023 Paul Spradbery

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Hi Risk Anus (Anag.)

Here is a selection of official death tolls from various historical world events:

Iranian Islamic Revolution (1978-9): 2,781
New York World Trade Centre explosions (2001): 2,606
Sudan Civil War (2011-present): 2,557
South Yemen insurgency (2009-2015): 2,054
Irish War of Independence (1919-1921): 2,014

Here is a current figure:

Excess deaths per week (above 5-year average) in UK: 2,540

1. Bear in mind that, during the ‘pandemic’ year (2020), there was no unusual overall excess mortality (and thus no pandemic). The death toll skyrocketed only after the rollout of a certain injectable drug in January 2021.

2. Imagine a disaster as lethal as the ‘Twin Towers’ happening in the UK every week.

3. What sort of prime minister would deliberately turn a blind eye? (Figure 232.1)

Figure 232.1: Answer: The Rt Hon. Rishi Sunak, MP, not elected as prime minister by the British people in a general election, soundly rejected by his own party members in a subsequent leadership contest; and yet, he resides in 10, Downing Street.
C’était un coup d’état!

Copyright unknown

About 13 years ago, a company called Theleme was co-founded by Sunak. The company invested millions of dollars into a tiny biotech firm which had only a few employees and had never brought a product to market. It was called Moderna (modeRNA).

A decade later, the British government decided to spend millions on untested drugs, purposefully misnamed ‘vaccines’. Moderna claimed, by statistical sleight-of-hand, that, despite a woeful lack of both in vitro and clinical testing, its first ever drug was 94.5% effective. (This is the relative efficacy figure; absolute efficacy is less than 1%.)

By June 2022, Theleme had purchased more than six million Moderna shares, making it the company’s largest shareholder. Within weeks of Sunak being appointed Prime Minister, the Sunak-led government announced a multi-billion, ten-year partnership with ... Moderna.

Consequently, Theleme has prospered enormously. When asked whether he had similarly benefitted, Sunak refused to answer.

Given his lack of electoral legitimacy, is it not obvious that British democracy is a mirage?

Given his silence about excess mortality, is it not equally clear that his loyalties lie elsewhere?

Given his refusal to comment on the Theleme/Moderna partnership, is the current prime minister a corrupt chancer lining his pockets at the expense of both the health and finances of the British people? Or am I just a tin-foil-hatted conspiracy theorist (Figure 232.2)?

Figure 232.2: This is today’s news. Any ideas, folks?

Copyright © 2023 Reach plc

Copyright © 2023 Paul Spradbery

Sunday, May 07, 2023

Worldwide Whack-a-mole

In the 1998 fantasy novel A Clash of Kings, author George R.R. Martin (1948-) wrote:

‘When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar; you’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say.

For example, Dr Mark Tykocinski, an immunologist who happens also to be President of Philadelphia’s Thomas Jefferson University, is on the verge of being fired for ‘liking’ social media posts by Alex Berenson, a former New York Times journalist, who has been scathing about the lack of vaccine’ safety.

British MP Andrew Bridgen has been expelled from his political party. A senior colleague of his privately admitted that Mr Bridgen’s views on the clot shots were well founded but that the government is hoping to suppress the issue for the next 20 years, citing ‘lack of political appetite’ for public disclosure. In other words, guilty politicians are terrified of the people’s wrath.

Professor Norman Fenton, an experienced statistician, was locked out of his Twitter account following a complaint that he had broken German law by demonstrating that data manipulation was creating the false appearance of ‘vaccine’ efficacy. (The main sponsor of BioNTech, the co-creator of the Pfizer clot shot, just happens to be the German government.)

The more evident it becomes that the clot shots are causing millions of deaths and injuries, the more desperate are the censors’ reactions. It now resembles a frantic game of whack-a-mole, where inconvenient truths are rearing their heads at an increasing rate and the censors can no longer bash them down discreetly.

In Australia, a landmark class action lawsuit has — at long last — been filed against the Australian government and the medicines regulator (Figure 231.1). To date, there are 500 members, including three named applicants, seeking redress for the injured or bereaved. The federal government, the Therapeutic Goods Administration and the Department of Health, in addition to a number of senior public servants, are all named as parties to the class action, which was filed in the New South Wales Federal Court last Wednesday, 3rd May.

Figure 231.1: Full details of the lawsuit can be found at: https://www.covidvaxclassaction.com.au

Copyright © 2023 Covidvaxclassaction.com

‘We the People 50 — Recall the Shots’ is part of the ‘Stop the Shot Campaign’ in Mississippi, USA. Toxicologist Dr Janci Lindsay, along with other doctors, scientists, healthcare workers and pharma regulatory specialists, as well as all the injured and bereaved, are demanding that the clot shots be recalled immediately before even more damage is done (Figure 231.2).

Figure 231.2: The testifying group on the steps of the Mississippi State Capitol Building

Copyright © 2023 We The People 50

Meanwhile, Director-General of the World Health Organization, Tedros Ghebreyesus — accused, incidentally, of war crimes in East Africa — has just announced that ‘COVID’ is now over. The next plandemic must be, as Bill Gates has already announced, just around the corner. If these evil creatures really believe that their crimes against humanity can be whack-a-moled out of sight, then their judgement is worse than ever. Too many people have woken up.

Finally, a brief message to all readers who disguise web addresses (e.g. paulspradbery dot blogspot dot com) to circumvent censorship. It is a pain to have to remove all the spaces and insert the correct characters. A simple remedy is as follows:

Below the comment box on most online forums is a row of characters (e.g. B...I...U... etc.).
Type your comment and highlight it.
Click the </> symbol.
Now post your comment.
The URL will look like this: paulspradbery.blogspot.com
The reader would now need only to click the URL to go to the website.

I shall leave the last words of this article to one of the world’s finest virologists (Figure 231.3).

Figure 231.3: ‘There is no hope for those vaccinated. All that can be done is wait for the crematoriums to handle the deaths.

 Professor Luc Montagnier (1932-2022), Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology, 2008

Copyright © 2023 Eveil Homme

Government data from all over the world show that crematoria are filling up, exactly as the professor predicted; and those pesky moles are popping up everywhere.

Copyright © 2023 Paul Spradbery