Sunday, January 15, 2023

For 2023, Read 1665

In July 1665, thousands of Londoners were dying daily from the Great Plague. As the number of corpses increased, burial grounds filled up so rapidly that emergency pits had to be dug elsewhere. So-called ‘dead-carts’ were driven through the city streets, with their drivers calling, ‘Bring out your dead!’ Wary of public panic, and all its consequences, London’s authorities ordered that corpse removal and burial should take place only at night, which probably exacerbated the sense of impending doom. The ghastly truth could not be contained.

In recent times, the prospect of such huge excess mortality has seemed virtually impossible. The satirical geniuses of Monty Python even joked about bringing-out-the-dead in a side-splitting scene in the 1970s. In early 2020, however, the contrived ‘COVID’ psy-op sprang into action, in almost all nations simultaneously, in a blatant attempt to spook the whole world into believing that another plague was on its unstoppable way. Of course, anyone is free to analyse worldwide mortality data and learn that no such thing transpired.

Three years on, things are different. Excess mortality is rife, and it is significantly worst among highly ‘vaccinated’ countries. Those nations which preserved their honour, by refusing to be bought-and-paid-for by Big Pharma and the corrupt World Health Organization, are experiencing no such problem.

In British hospitals, including the Royal Liverpool Hospital, where I know some of the clinical staff, the morgues are already full (Figure 218.1). It is telling that there was no such emergency in 2020, when ‘Nightingale’ facilities, hastily built, probably for effect, remained empty and unstaffed.

Makeshift mortuaries, resembling the shipping containers which adorn Liverpool’s Mersey docklands, are now being constructed in, for example, rural business parks (Figure 218.2). (The bio-research facility in which I presently work is situated in quite a smart business park, in a relatively affluent setting, so I can imagine the horrified reactions from teams of workers on noticing such a gruesome addition to their surroundings.) These temporary (or perhaps not) units are equipped with round-the-clock security, and it is likely that many more of them are being planned as I write.

Figure 218.1: The elephant in plain sight outdoors

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Figure 218.2: A makeshift ‘mortuary’, built to accommodate the extraordinarily high number of corpses currently being removed from British hospitals. This one resembles a container on my sons’ playing field, which is used to house goalposts and other filthy sports equipment.

Copyright © 2023 The Gateway Pundit

The UK is not alone. In Edward Dowd’s meticulously-researched book Cause Unknown, the author details official mortality data from across the globe, from Vietnam to Namibia, and from Canada to Japan. The story is always the same. The spike in excess mortality began in early 2021. It correlates exactly with the ‘vaccine’ rollout — and with no other factor.

In highly-‘vaccinated’ Norway, for example, the mortality rate is skyrocketing way beyond 2020 levels. In the city of Trondheim, funeral home Svanholm & Vigdal Gravferd has stated that the current death rate is unprecedented. The company, incidentally, has been in operation for more than a century.

Data from Australia, which suffered some of the most tyrannical measures, are almost too dreadful to report. Its sudden 63% birth rate reduction began precisely nine months after the rollout of the injections. In the Netherlands, for the first time in its recorded history, death rate has just surpassed birth rate.

This is the fifth article that I have written in less than three weeks. So much compelling information is spilling out daily that I am struggling to keep up. In his latest barnstorming monologue, broadcast on GB News, presenter and archaeologist Neil Oliver (1967-) could scarcely contain his own anger (Figure 218.3).

Figure 218.3: Neil Oliver, M. A. (Hons), a Generation-X graduate from a Scottish university, with dark brown eyes, wild hair and a salt-and-pepper beard, possesses critical thinking skills sharp enough to cut through a bullshit narrative. No, we are not related by blood, but I would be happy if we were. Click the link below to hear the clip.

Copyright © 2023 GB News

Now that snippets of truth are being proffered by mainstream media, it is just a matter of time before they are pieced together by the waking public. Who knows: we might be no more than a few short steps from here to torches and pitchforks.

Libertarian philosopher Ayn Rand (1926-82), whose classic novel Atlas Shrugged (1957) is a personal favourite of mine, wrote:

You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.

On this precipice we currently stand.

Copyright © 2023 Paul Spradbery

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