Saturday, November 14, 2020

Exposing Corona Lies: Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi

Professor Sucharit Bhakdi (1946-) (Figure 145.1) served as Head of the Institute of Medical Microbiology at the University of Mainz, Germany. He has published more than three hundred peer-reviewed scientific papers throughout a distinguished fifty-year career and received thirteen major awards. Professor Bhakdi is one of many world-renowned experts in the field of infectious diseases currently speaking out against the COVID fraud.

Figure 145.1: How I would love to hear Professor Bhakdi engage in debate the charlatans behind the COVID scandal. How telling it is that none of them is willing.

Copyright © 2020 Chelsea Green 

Of course, Professor Bhakdis willingness to contradict and expose the hoax narrative, clumsily propagandized by governments, their corrupt advisers and the mainstream media, has induced the inevitable character assassination reserved for any eminent dissenters who have offered rational, evidence-based objections to lockdowns, (anti-)social distancing, mask-wearing, quarantining of healthy individuals and de facto mandatory vaccination. (Indeed, there have recently been media calls for any opposition to the imminent COVID vaccination program to be made a criminal offence. Ask yourself: is freedom of speech curtailed to suppress lies or unwanted truths?)

Two days ago, Professor Bhakdi gave an extensive online interview (Figure 145.2), in which he exposed the glaring flaws in the pandemic story. It can be easily understood by scientists and non-scientists alike.

I would add:

The prospect of mass vaccination should fill anyone (with more than a single functioning brain cell) with acute foreboding. (1) There has never been an effective vaccine for any coronaviruses, or RNA viruses in general. (2) COVID has an infection fatality rate of only 0.2% (UK), insufficient to warrant vaccine use. (3) The vaccine is predicated on the novel use of messenger RNA, which could realistically prompt the immune system to mount a severe immunological attack against its host. (4) The vaccine is to be introduced without any prior medium and long-term clinical trials. (5) Vaccine manufacturers have been given indemnity from prosecution, should post-vaccination serious adverse events occur, as they have done in recent trials.

As I mentioned earlier, the italicized paragraph above should, according to some, constitute a criminal offence. This is despite the fact that I could easily prove all five points stated.

Please take the time to listen to Professor Bhakdi. He is not only a highly-decorated medical doctor and research scientist, but also patient, placid and polite, articulate in multiple languages, and incredibly brave for speaking out.

Figure 145.2: Are we being told the truth about COVID?
The answer is an emphatic ‘no’.

 Copyright © 2020 Triggernometry

Often misattributed to George Orwell (1903-50) is the quote:

‘During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.’

Let the revolution begin in earnest.

Copyright © 2020 Paul Spradbery

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