Sunday, July 24, 2022

Bill & Ted’s Bogus Plandemic 2.0

In Ontario, Canada, immediately west of Toronto, lies the city of Mississauga. Its current population is about 700,000. My aunt, uncle and cousins lived there during the ’80s and ’90s, so I came to know it quite well. During the late ’80s, when my first studies in medical science were underway, I spent hot summer months there, quietly observing Canadian life and writing about the differences from all I had known growing up in England. As a young student, the Canadian medical system impressed me, and the practitioners I met were characterized by their meticulousness. Consequently, patients were generally well informed.

Figure 201.1: Mississauga, where the Credit River meets Lake Ontario.

Copyright © 2022

I was shocked, then, to learn that four doctors, all practising in Mississauga, had died within a few days of each other, only last week. Three of them were working for the same local hospital system, namely Trillium Health (Figure 201.2). The deceased have been named as: Dr Paul Hannam (died 16th July); Dr Lorne Segall (died 17th July); Dr Stephen McKenzie (died 18th July); and Dr Jakub Sawicki (died on or before 21st July). Dr Hannam suffered a heart attack while out running, while the cause of death for the other three has yet to be made public.

Figure 201.2: Despite being highly qualified and experienced professionals, did these doctors share the same blind spot in their medical knowledge? Note, also, from the photographs, that they were all relatively young.

Copyright © 2022 Trillium Health Partners

What to make of it? Were these simply another four highly improbable coincidences? Or, alternatively, did they have something to do with the fact that the province of Ontario had rolled out its fourth round of ‘COVID’ injections on 14th July? The latter explanation seems impossible to deny, and I am not alone in saying so (Figure 201.3).

Figure 201.3: It is no coincidence that Dr Lenzkes has included a ‘broken heart’ emoji to end his tweet. The reference is pathological, not just emotional.

Copyright © 2022 Twitter

As tragic as these premature deaths are, there is an important point worth stressing. These four knowledgeable, dedicated health professionals will probably have been responsible for injecting hundreds, perhaps thousands, of their patients with the same deadly drugs. As early as December 2020, I and many others knew that the injections would be uniquely dangerous and shouted it from the rooftops. Much of the grisly information was already in the public domain, while unpublished data were accessible to scientists and medics via the professional grapevine. The four doctors should have been aware of the dangers. Were they? If not, why not? If so, why did they not speak out? They have, disastrously, become their own victims.

Calls for the ‘clot shots’ to be withdrawn are intensifying by the week. Another research paper, Yamamoto (2022), recently published in Virology Journal, has demanded that no further doses be administered. It is now beyond doubt that vaccine-mediated acquired immune-deficiency syndrome (vAIDS) is real, as I stated in Article 188, five months ago. It is this dreadful condition which is causing, among many other nasty surprises, a huge spike in shingles cases. Dr Lenzkes, whom I mentioned previously, has stated publicly that, while working as a young doctor, he would routinely test patients with sudden shingles outbreaks for AIDS. He knew: shingles is caused by immune deficiency.

It is also well documented that outbreaks of shingles (chickenpox virus) can easily be mistaken, clinically, for monkeypox (Jezek et al., 1988). We are, however, being told by the World Health Organization (WHO) to believe that monkeypox is now a serious threat to humanity. Only last week, WHO Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, unilaterally declared monkeypox to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC, pronounced ‘fake’). Fake it certainly is. As I described in Article 194, two months ago, a theoretical monkeypox pandemic was staged, in March 2021, by the Nuclear Threat Initiative, funded by that psychopathic, scientifically-illiterate peddler of dodgy computer software, Bill Gates. Even the exact date of the outbreak was ‘predicted’ correctly. Fancy that. Gates ought to start hawking crystal balls instead of lethal injections. Bill and Ted have one goal: it is not public health but complete public control.

The so-called return of ‘COVID’ has also just been trumpeted by corporate media. I forget whether this is the sixth ‘wave’ or the seventh. As an email correspondent recently wrote:

This stuff is accelerating at a gazillion miles an hour. Something has gone wrong in their planning so they are just throwing everything at it. If they are panicking it’s a brilliant sign. Ultimately, they won’t get away with it. The genie is out of the bag, the cat is out of the bottle. They couldn’t censor us fully and early enough without that giving the game away. The narrative is unravelling, the awakening is accelerating, so they are scrambling.

This message was echoed by independent journalist Kit Knightly:

On a more hopeful note, the return of Covid likely means the Great Reset crowd are getting a little desperate. Monkeypox is silly, polio was dead on arrival, the heatwave is already over and people are pretty much bored of Ukraine. They have to go back to Covid because they have nothing else. It’s like an ageing rock band reluctantly returning to their classic hits late in the set, after the audience has snored through their experimental new album. It’s almost sad, honestly.’

Would someone be so kind as to send to me another batch of crazy conspiracy theories, as all my previous ones have come true.

Copyright © 2022 Paul Spradbery


Jezek, Z., Szczeniowski, M., Paluku, K. M., Mutombo, M., & Grab, B. (1988). Human monkeypox: confusion with chickenpox. Acta Tropica, 45(4), 297-307. Retrieved from

Yamamoto, K. (2022). Adverse effects of COVID-19 vaccines and measures to prevent them. Virology Journal, 19(100). Retrieved from

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