Friday, October 11, 2024

¡Viva la Libertad de Expresión

We continue to live in interesting times. These derive mainly from the desperation of the globalist power structure, underwritten by the USA which is rapidly going bankrupt. (American national debt is now rising by one trillion dollars — $1,000,000,000,000 — every three months. Moreover, the rate of increase is increasing.) The Middle East is going ballistic, literally; Ukraine is becoming a failed state and a post-apocalyptic wasteland; China is waiting to pounce on Taiwan; two assassination attempts on former US president Donald Trump have been scuppered; and the UK’s boneheaded prime minister, Keir ‘Two Tier, Free Gear’ Starmer, has a brainless wish to have NATO fire long-range missiles deep into Russia. If he and his ilk are serious, then some utter lunatics are running the global asylum.

Figure 262.1: I could not resist this meme. Tyrants hate being laughed at.

Copyright © 2024 Associated Newspapers Ltd & © 2012 Columbia Pictures

The globalists’ ultimate aim, as advertised by Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum and its principal backer, Bill Gates, is to reset the world, leaving the existing psychopaths in control. Their desperation is, however, growing, after their previous strategies failed to enslave humanity as they had planned.

As I have stressed, the ‘COVID’ hoax failed. The idea was to put in place an irreversible, tyrannical system of social control via ‘vaccine passports’, whereby those refusing to submit to toxic medical treatments, or anyone condemning the enforcement, could have their ‘passports’ rescinded, leading to personal ruin. Had ‘COVID’ succeeded, I would probably not be free to write this article.

This evil scheme was, thank heavens, blown out of the water. It was destroyed, principally, by the free flow of digital information. Schwab and his henchmen had it hammered into their thick skulls that, even with censorship algorithms and 24-hour corporate media lies, they could not control their false narrative fully. Eventually, and perhaps inevitably, millions of ordinary people woke up to the absurd notions of lockdowns, masks, mandates and taped-off children’s play areas in parks, not to mention that the ‘pandemic’ and the ‘vaccines’ were deliberate misnomers.

We can, and should, therefore, enjoy a good old belly laugh at the globalists’ expense. To all of you who saw through the scam, and resisted it, please remember always that one trillion dollars of propaganda could not get the better of you. Much credit is due, also, to independent bloggers and alternative media sources, who were relentless in their quest to expose lies and disseminate truth.

That said, the price of liberty remains eternal vigilance. We must not be so naïve as to assume that there will be no further attempts to enslave us all. For example, the ‘climate change’ falsehood has yet to be fully exposed to the world, despite the brave efforts of Professor John Clauser (1942-) (Nobel Prize in Physics, 2022) (Figure 262.2), among many other distinguished scientists, who have stated, correctly, that there is no climate crisis (Figure 262.3).

Figure 262.2: Professor Clauser (left) receiving his Nobel Prize
from H.M. King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden.

Copyright © 2024 Nobel Prize Outreach AB

Figure 262.3: Dr Ottmar Edenhofer, C
o-chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (2008-15), let the cat out of the bag in a 2010 interview, when he announced:

We (United Nations IPCC) redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore.

Copyright © 2024 Richard Koehler

Other means of globalist attack might involve another ‘plandemic’, perhaps bird flu, monkeypox or some other ridiculous scare story. Whatever happens next, the globalists have learned that freedom of expression is a mortal threat to their plans. Failed US presidential candidate John Kerry (1943-) has asserted that governance requires public information control, First Constitutional Amendment be damned. Another presidential reject, Hillary Clinton (1947-) screeched on CNN that, unless censorship is enforced, ‘we lose total control!’ In short, these shameless creatures are terrified of being exposed as pathological liars. Poor old Hitlary: she becomes more deranged with age.

As the excellent journalist Brandon Smith, of, points out:

‘When political elitists and their lackeys start attacking free speech, it’s usually in preparation for a major crisis that they hope to use as a vehicle to eliminate public freedoms. Free speech is the most important liberty because it enables the populace to discern through debate what the truth is and what to do about it.

‘The globalists thought they had a lock on information during covid and they were wrong. Whatever the next crisis ends up being, they will definitely seek to silence the alternative media and any rebellious social media platforms.’

We must, therefore, rise to whatever challenge comes humanity’s way. I have a feeling that there will be some contrived ‘event’ prior to the US presidential election on November 5th.

Before I sign off, here are the most recent ‘medical episodes’ from the football world:

George Baldock (1993-2024), Greek international footballer, born in England, died suddenly and unexpectedly, by drowning, at the age of 31. How come?

Jamie Reid (1994-), of Stevenage and Northern Ireland, missed recent matches owing to a blood clot in his calf.

Noussair Mazraoui (1997-), of Manchester United and Morocco, has just undergone heart surgery after experiencing palpitations.

Julio Enciso (2004-), of Brighton and Paraguay, suffered a medical emergency on board an aircraft, which left him fearing the worst.

September 27th: At Prenton Park, the Tranmere Rovers v Salford City match, which my sons and I attended (Figure 262.4), was stopped after a spectator collapsed and was rushed to hospital.

September 28th: At Hillsborough, Sheffield Wednesday v West Bromwich Albion, a spectator died of a heart attack during the match.

October 1st: At the Hawthorns, West Bromwich Albion v Middlesbrough, an assistant referee collapsed, was treated pitchside and ferried to hospital.

October 5th: At Wollaston, Stourbridge v Matlock Town, a fan suffered a cardiac arrest and was attended by an air ambulance.

Figure 262.4: Escritor and sons are on Row ‘L’.

Copyright © 2024 Tranmere Rovers Football Club

All the aforementioned events occurred within the space of about ten days. Of course, there are people in positions of immense power who are adamant that I ought to be prevented from mentioning such incidents. Why are you so afraid of free speech, Hillary?

Copyright © 2024 Paul Spradbery

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