Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Truth Be Told, BBC

Ten days ago, a combination of pressure groups held a rally at various BBC offices and studios in the cities of Liverpool, Sheffield, Leeds, Salford, Birmingham and Newcastle. The protest was for ‘COVID Vaccine’ Victim Awareness. All the targeted buildings were covered with placards, posters, stickers and photographs (Figures 219.1 & 219.2), mainly of young people who have died as a result of the injections.

Figures 219.1 & 219.2: Scenes such as these could quickly tip the balance. If all the injured and bereaved joined forces, the whole population would know that its government and media have been complicit in crimes against humanity and, consequently, demand that all perpetrators be held immediately to account.

Copyright © 2023 Allan Weir

It goes without saying that the BBC chose to ignore its new window decorations. There was no mention of it on television, radio or social media. Regardless, it is likely that its bosses, and all the other liars and propagandists on the BBC payroll, are privately terrified that this is only the beginning. I certainly hope so. If further protests expand throughout the country, the BBC will be seen for what it is, particularly if the British people discover that its State broadcaster, funded by a compulsory tax (whether BBC services are used or not), has already received a $23.7 million bung from the Gates Foundation.

On Saturday — 21st January — the next protest will take place at BBC headquarters in London (Figure 219.3). Please be there, if you can.

Figure 219.3: Given that the supposedly ‘impartial’ BBC is unlikely to cover this event, be sure to view the video footage using the link below.

Copyright © 2023 CovileaksCVVAM

If those responsible for all these ‘vaccine’ deaths are not put on trial, then I hope that they will feel the need to spend the rest of their miserable lives checking behind doors. 

Copyright © 2023 Paul Spradbery

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