Tuesday, December 12, 2023

So This Is (Almost) Xmas

2023 has almost run its course. I had planned to write a few last words about the state of play regarding the clot shot holocaust, particularly the 2,500 excess deaths occurring every week in the UK. It turns out that the intrepid broadcaster Neil Oliver, a fellow doughty critic of the ‘COVID’ scam, has saved me considerable effort. His latest monologue (Figure 242.1), shown on GB News at the weekend, conveys almost everything that I had thought to discuss.

Figure 242.1: Neil Oliver’s latest monologue, and perhaps his best yet, can be viewed at:

Copyright © 2023 GB News

The awakening seems to be well under way. Even the execrable Channel 4, generally a cesspit of ‘woke’ and dopey leftism masquerading as journalism, has finally posed the all-important question (Figure 242.2).

Figure 242.2: Hmmm, I wonder what on Earth it could be. If you take the trouble to read the 2,000+ comments beneath this YouTube video —

— you will discover that the truth is dawning on more and more of the British people. Incidentally, the young lady in the photograph, Clarissa Nicholls, is the latest to have ‘died suddenly and unexpectedly’. She was reading Foreign Languages at Cambridge (pictured). RIP.

Copyright © 2023 Channel 4 News

The current ‘COVID inquiry’ is, of course, a farcical whitewash in the making. Not even the most fundamental questions have been, or will be, asked in this theatre of the absurd. The perpetrators of this unparalleled crime against humanity will deny everything to the last. If, of course, they were to admit the truth — 20 million clot shot deaths worldwide, to date — they would be dealt the most severe form of justice. So, this taxpayer-funded charade of desperation rolls on and on.

What about 2024? One thing is for certain: as the excess deaths and debilitating injuries continue, the awakening will gather momentum. What is equally clear is that the globalist criminals will concoct ever more evil deeds in a frantic attempt to distract the world. There is already talk of ‘a new pandemic’. The World Health Organization (WHO) is trying to force its grossly unethical ‘pandemic treaty’, which includes mandatory ‘vaccinations’, on its constituent nations. Fortunately, there is plenty of pushback, Slovakia being the latest nation to tell the WHO where to inject their deadly clot shots.

On the scientific front, there is overwhelming reason to be suspicious. The WHO, World Economic Forum (WEF), Bill Gates and the other ‘COVID’ perps have made it clear that ‘there will be another pandemic’, not that there was one in 2020. This ‘next one will get everyone’s attention,’ according to Gates. How does he know? Well, is it not obvious? The forthcoming ‘pathogenic agent’ might already have been injected into two-thirds of the human race. How devious: now the likes of Gates can be sure who will be affected and who will not. (Think: these sociopaths would never release a killer pathogen indiscriminately, for fear of killing themselves with it. The victims were conned into self-selection.)

How could this ‘second pandemic’ happen? The peculiar pharmacologic mechanism of the clot shot provides the answer. The toxic payload is contained within lipid nano-particles (LNP). These are tiny fat-based globules capable of cellular entry throughout the body. The contents remain protected by the LNP ‘envelope’ from the body’s immune defences against ‘non-self’ material.

What has the capacity to open this LNP-lined Pandora’s Box? It is microwave radiation (5G) at a frequency of 18 GHz. If such impulses are emitted systematically from the now-ubiquitous 5G towers, erected during lockdown in 2020, the LNPs will swell, rupture and release whatever toxic agents lie within. This phenomenon is well documented in the literature.

The victims of the so-called ‘next pandemic’ might, therefore, have already been earmarked by injection. If this occurs, further carnage would almost certainly be blamed on another ‘novel virus’, perhaps Marburg or Ebola, and ‘diagnosed’ by another fraudulent ‘PCR test’. Tyrannical restrictions would swing into action once again, and the unthinking would welcome further erosion of basic liberties. (They might even stand on their doorsteps clapping for a health service to which they are denied access.) The resultant deaths, caused by the ‘COVID vaccines’, would then be falsely attributed to a ‘new pandemic’.

Cast your mind back to October 2019. The Gates Foundation funded Event 2O1 (Article 132), a theoretical exercise, war-gaming a coronavirus pandemic. Despite no such thing having ever previously occurred, an ‘emergency’ of exactly this description was declared a matter of weeks later. Hardly a coincidence. Furthermore, also months before any of us had heard the word ‘COVID’, the European Commission published a document outlining its plan for ‘vaccine passports’ to be forced upon millions of Europeans (Figure 242.3).

Figure 242.3: More evidence that the pandemic was planned well in advance. (Click the schematic to enlarge for better legibility.)

Copyright © 2019 European Commission

This is damning stuff, and we must continue to be vigilant. In October 2022, Gates funded an identical table-top simulation event, this one entitled Catastrophic Contagion, involving another novel pathogen, causing ‘severe epidemic enterovirus respiratory syndrome 2025’ or SEERS-25. It should be obvious to everyone with more than two grey cells that another worldwide ‘emergency’ is being planned. 

A non-medical angle of attack could involve power grid or internet failure caused by systematic sabotage. The UK government has already warned the British people of a forthcoming cyber attack and advised the immediate stocking-up of household items such as candles. Could this threat be related to another recent series of table-top simulations known as Cyber Polygon?

2024 promises to be another year of globalist lies, incessant propaganda, false flags, clot shot deaths and various other democidal assaults on humanity. Be in no doubt, though: these evil creatures are becoming increasingly desperate. They would scorch the earth before relinquishing power.

Remember always: the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.

El Escritor Inglés will resume with a bang in the New Year.

UPDATE: 29-year-old Luton Town footballer Tom Lockyer has just suffered his second cardiac arrest on the field of play, the first having taken place in May. 33-year-old Canadian journalist Ian Vandaella, who advocated ‘vaccine’ passports for all and quarantine camps for the ‘unvaccinated’, has died, suddenly and unexpectedly. I have sympathy for Mr Lockyer.

Copyright © 2023 Paul Spradbery

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