Tuesday, June 04, 2024

No ‘May’ About It

As the British people brace themselves for another general election charade, the issue of the clot shot democide is threatening to crash the Kabuki theatre stage. Aside from the prospect of a kinetic war with Russia, mainstream media have begun to acknowledge the ten-ton elephant which sits in every street in the land. The following news item appeared in today’s Daily Telegraph (Figure 256.1) and I am beginning to wonder whether some elements of national media are about to try to distance themselves from the clot shot crimes and perps.

Figure 256.1: May be to blame? There is no ‘may’ about it. Perhaps this is a limited hangout, as the truth can no longer be denied with a straight face. Never forget: this publication, like so many others, was a shameless supporter of the COVID scam throughout. Kudos, nevertheless, to journalist Sarah Knapton for mentioning the unmentionable.

Copyright © 2024 Telegraph Media Group Ltd

In Japan, the most senior medical oncologist in the country has recently described the clot shot as the work of evil’ that has caused essentially murder. In the United States, the 21st-century’s Doctor Mengele’, Anthony Fauci, has admitted that masking and (anti-)social distancing were based on no science whatsoever. In Slovakia, Prime Minister Robert Fico, who launched a nationwide inquiry into the ‘vaccine’, excess deaths and the corrupt EU-Pfizer deal (Article 247), has recently survived an assassination attempt.

You might also be aware of the fact that other national leaders who resisted the tyranny — Jovenel Moïse (1968-2021), President of Haiti; John Magufuli (1959-2021), President of Tanzania; and Shinzo Abe (1954-2022), former Japanese prime minister — were either killed or died in suspicious circumstances. The common factor is not difficult to spot.

Three years on from the clot shot rollout, only the truly dull-witted are failing to connect the dots, and only the pathologically dishonest are refusing to do so. Does the following montage consist entirely of unrelated coincidences (Figure 256.2)?

Figure 256.2: If you type died suddenly’ into any search engine, you will gain some idea of the sheer number of excess deaths, particularly among young people.

Alternatively ... https://x.com/DiedSuddenly_

Copyrights © 2024

Even common criminals have standards. This goes way beyond anything in human history. It is pure evil; and no, I will not be quiet. These bastards can try to censor me any time they choose. Two things I share with Thatcher: a scientist’s brain and I ain’t frit.

Copyright © 2024 Paul Spradbery

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