Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Mysterious Dr Mosley

A fortnight ago, news bulletins in the UK were falling over themselves with speculation following the strange and sudden disappearance of a so-called ‘television doctor’ called Michael Mosley (Figure 257.1) on the (Dodecanese) Greek island of Symi. Perhaps it was just me, but the synchronized, dawn-till-darkness corporate media coverage of this minor mystery seemed contrived. Furthermore, given the lies, exaggerations and propaganda which have come to define mass media outlets, anyone with critical thinking skills was bound to be suspicious — but of what? The media frenzy ended when it was announced that Dr Mosley’s body had been found on a rocky coastal footpath.

Figure 257.1: The charismatic Dr Michael Mosley, posing in scrubs for a photograph at King’s College Hospital, London.

Copyright © 2018 Associated Newspapers Ltd

Allow me to start with some background. Dr Michael Mosley attended New College, Oxford in 1975 to read Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE). This relatively easy subject is often the chosen path for those intending to pursue a career in either national politics, City of London finance or with the Security Service (MI5).

After a short spell as a City banker, during which he would probably have earned an extremely good living, he changed course and spent five years as a medical student, presumably unpaid. Following his graduation from medical school in 1985, he did not practice medicine at all. This seems even more odd than the fact that he gave up so much to read the subject in the first place, but not as odd as the fact that some of his contemporaries have little or no recollection of him. (Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, another Oxford PPE graduate, claims to have completed postgraduate studies at Stanford University in the USA, although some of his colleagues, too, seem unable to remember anything about him.)

Dr Mosley joined the BBC at the age of 28 and remained there for almost four decades. He became well known, eventually, as a trusted and knowledgeable ‘television doctor’, appearing regularly on our screens, offering medical advice, and writing numerous books, despite having had no experience working as a qualified medic.

When the ‘COVID’ scam began, Dr Mosley was a constant presence on daytime television and wrote articles for a national daily newspaper. His opinions, however, were medically illiterate and, in my view, quite disgusting for a man who had, apparently, intended to make medicine his vocation.

The following were the titles of some of his articles:

1. Why vaccine immunity is better than natural immunity

2. Why I’ve banned an unjabbed friend from my festive party

3. Yes, NHS workers MUST have their jabs

Title (1) is factually incorrect, as any first-year medical undergraduate would testify.

Title (2) suggests that Dr Mosley was ignorant of the fact that the fraudulently-named ‘vaccines’ did nothing to prevent either illness or microbiological transmission, as was already known by anyone who had taken the trouble to read the literature.

Title (3) is the opinion of either an ill-educated tyrant or a corrupt stooge. (Fortunately, the ‘vaccine’ mandate for health workers was scrapped after 100,000 NHS staff refused point blank to be injected. What were they all so afraid of?)

The rest of his spoutings, from 2020 onwards, contained a similar concentration of bovine excrement and displayed a fanatical desire to tear up the Nuremberg Code, Geneva Conventions, Declaration of Helsinki and the whole concept of medical ethics in general.

What a convenient coincidence, then, that, the week the Telegraph became the first mass media organization to mention all the excess deaths caused by the ‘vaccines’ (Article 256), one of the media’s most vociferous ‘vaccine’-pushers keels over, hence precluding any future opportunity to answer for himself.

Of course, Dr Mosley was not the only ‘television doctor’ spewing dangerous medical nonsense throughout the non-existent pandemic (Figures 257.2 & 257.3).

Figure 257.2: In 2021, according to the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI), Dr Ranj Singh (pictured), another BBC regular, was paid £22,500 by ‘vaccine’-manufacturer AstraZeneca. He claimed that serious side-effects were ‘rare’.

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Figure 257.3: In 2020, Dr Philippa Kaye (pictured), a London doctor, was paid £12,500 by AstraZeneca. In 2022, she was paid a further £9,000. As well as doing her clinical work, she was a regular contributor to videos endorsed by the Department of Health, encouraging people to be ‘vaccinated’.

Copyright © 2024 Associated Newspapers Limited

The AstraZeneca poison has since been withdrawn, owing to its high toxicity and lethality.

N.B. If, incidentally, any of the aforementioned information is shown to be incorrect, I would withdraw it immediately and offer a sincere public apology.

Alex Fell, the newly-appointed Director of the Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA) has been asked to investigate possible breaches of the ABPI code of practice for Big Pharma. As I await further information, I hope that all such pushers of this injectable toxic filth are themselves jabbed and boosted to the eyeballs.

You can probably guess my next questions.

1. Did Dr Mosley ever receive substantial sums of money from ‘vaccine’ manufacturers or their associates during the ‘pandemic’, as his counterparts did?

2. Is Dr Mosley really dead? Or did he, at the standard retirement age of 67, simply ‘exit stage left’ — if you know, you know — to live the rest of his days free from subsequent investigation?

3. If he is dead, was it really, as has been stated, a result of ‘natural causes’; or was he, ironically, yet another victim of the clot shot which he had recommended to millions of others?

4. Was he about to blow the whistle and, consequently, silenced?

The crux of the issue is that Dr Mosley offered medical advice to millions of people, knowing full well that his complete lack of practising experience should have disqualified him from doing so. I wonder how many innocents have died or been seriously injured as a result of this charlatan’s ignorant pronouncements. (Trolls, do not bother griping about my ‘speaking ill of the dead’. Anyone who, from a phoney position of authority, encouraged others to gamble so recklessly with their lives deserves no such respect, so lay off me with the foaming emails.)

I shall finish off with this weekend’s tragic additions to the expanding annals of ‘Died Suddenly and Unexpectedly, Est. 2021’ (Figure 257.4 & 257.5).

Figure 257.4: Matija Sarkic (1997-2024) & Kevin Campbell (1970-2024). RIP.

Copyright © 2024 Sky UK

Figure 257.5: Somewhere in England

Copyright © 2024 Truth11

For the forthcoming UK general election, on July 4th, only the Reform Party has stated that it would investigate spiralling excess deaths and ‘COVID vaccine’ harms.


Just three days later (Figure 257.6) ...

Figure 257.6: Connor Garden-Bachop (1999-2024). RIP.

Copyright © 2024 Sky UK

I wonder which poor soul will be next on my list.

Copyright © 2024 Paul Spradbery

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