Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Redaction Required?

In Article 252, I quoted the American presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jnr (1954-), who said:

There is no time in history where the people who were censoring speech were the good guys.

Those censoring speech (and written expression) in 2024 include tech, media and Big Pharma corporations, governments and supranational bodies such as the antidemocratic European Union. You might also remember a certain Keir Starmer, now prime minister, casually explaining on breakfast television in 2020 that he would be happy to pass emergency legislation to censor ‘anti-vax’ campaigns because they ‘cost lives’. Knave or fool? Either way, Starmer, as well as being scientifically illiterate, seems to have little respect for freedom of speech, so beware!

In 2021, one of my own articles on this website was censored, although reinstated after I had objected. Article 259, published several days ago, became the second to fall victim to the censor’s axe. It is, therefore, just as well that I routinely take screenshots prior to publication. Here is the censored article, with a few redactions, published as a JPEG (picture) file so that individual words could not be flagged by the censor’s algorithm (Figure 260.1). Will it survive more than a few days? We shall see.

Figure 260.1: The previously censored Article 259

 Copyright © 2024 Paul Spradbery

Throughout the  ‘plandemic’ hoax, those censored include Nobel Laureates in both Chemistry and Medicine or Physiology. Ask yourself: who does not want the public to hear or read expert and honestly-held views? Then ask why not.

Copyright © 2024 Paul Spradbery

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