Sunday, March 03, 2024

A Storm Coming For The Guilty

Thanks again, Neil Oliver (Figure 248.1). See below.

‘It’s palpable that the anger of citizens is rising. It’s been on a sort of slow simmer for years. It seems to be coming to a boil. The heat has been turned up, or the heat that’s already there is somehow building an intensity.

‘You can’t point at any single place on the map, really, and say, here’s the seat of it. The building, anger and frustration and heat and pain is everywhere in the West, certainly. And it’s for all sorts of reasons. There are many symptoms, all coming from the same disease.

‘By now, we’ve all endured, what is it, three, four years of the most dangerous and blatant assault on freedom and civil rights in the history of humankind. That’s a fact. And I make no apologies for bringing this up over and over, for worrying at this like a terrier with a rat — because the sustained abuse of our species, inflicted on an unprecedented scale, even after all these years, it remains unaddressed, unconfessed and without consequences for the guilty — so far.

‘The guilty have grown sore, have been so confident, blasé, that they don’t even seek any longer to deny the coordinated global collusion of Big State, Big Pharma, Big Media, wholesale collusion that ended completely or ruined forever uncounted millions of lives. And it is millions of lives across the West, around the world, directly or indirectly, because of policies and practices that have been in place ...

‘You don’t get to shape the world, reshape the world in your own image, to your advantage, to the advantage of a tiny minority, to the detriment of the hundreds of millions, indeed the billions, and then play the victim when someone somewhere says, ‘Enough.’

‘A person cornered, a person left with nothing, or who feels he has nothing left to lose, is finally free in a fundamental sense, free to act in any way that suits. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a storm coming. And those who bloody-mindedly sowed the seeds of the whirlwind, who reaped the benefits of so doing for so long, are finally, finally feeling the change in the wind.’

Figure 248.1: Neil Oliver thinks pretty much as I do, which is why I have reported his recent podcast verbatim. He deserves a knighthood for speaking the truth and refusing to be silenced.

Copyright © 2024 Neil Oliver

Given the extremely low uptake of ‘COVID boosters’, it is clear that the general public has, at last, realized that a worldwide poisoning event has taken place, beginning in 2021. Since then, the number of excess deaths has skyrocketed and is, in all countries, directly proportional to the number of injections given.

Politicians, too — at least the honest ones — are putting the matter on record. These include, among many others, an Australian senator, Gerard Rennick, an American senator, Ron Johnson, the entire Slovakian government and a growing number of British MPs, most notably the brave Andrew Bridgen. To date, however, governments have flatly refused to disclose the ‘vaccination’ status of all the recent dead or conduct a proper investigation (Figure 248.2). It does not take a genius to work out why. Politicians, worldwide, are terrified of the truth exploding into the open, but explode it will.

Figure 248.2: MPs and peers have accused the current Health Secretary Victoria Atkins (above), who holds qualifications in neither science nor medicine, of withholding data that link the ‘vaccine’ to excess deaths, and criticized a ‘wall of silence’ on the matter.

Copyright © 2024 Telegraph Media Group Ltd

Seven MPs have requested that the Office for National Statistics (ONS) publishes a comprehensive time-series cohort analysis of UK data (weekly buckets for 152 weeks starting in Jan 2021). If the ONS complies, then there will be enough evidence to pursue other agencies and individuals. If the ONS refuses, then the MPs will be able to shift the blame for this crisis onto the ONS. It looks, therefore, like checkmate. The MPs’ letter can be read, in full, here:

Elsewhere, June Raine, who led the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) throughout the ‘COVID’ scam, has just resigned, making the disgusting claim:

‘It has been an honour to lead an agency which has patient safety as its top priority.’

Bear in mind that, under Raine’s watch, the vast majority of MHRA funding came from Big Pharma, whom the MHRA is meant not to enable but to regulate. What a coincidence that she has jumped ship just as MPs are calling for an investigation into the MHRA’s failure to flag ‘vaccine’ dangers. Furthermore, being so ignorant of publicly-available scientific data is unforgivable. Raine can run but she cannot hide.

As Neil Oliver points out: there is a palpable change in the wind.

We must hang ’em high — that is, all who perpetrated or assisted this ‘vaccine’ democide.

Copyright © 2024 Paul Spradbery

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