Monday, March 04, 2024

Today’s Quick Brain Teaser

Courtesy of the Daily Mail (Figure 249.1):

Figure 249.1: Is this question meant to be rhetorical or not?

Copyright © 2024 Associated Newspapers Ltd

Courtesy of Bloomberg (Figure 249.2):

Figure 249.2: Not this one.

Copyright © 2024 Bloomberg Industry Group, Inc.

Why is the British government, among many others, refusing to release anonymized data comparing death rates of the ‘vaccintated’ to those of us who refused to roll up our sleeves? There are 70% of individuals in the former category and 30% in the latter, so it would be both straightforward and statistically robust to make such a comparison (Figure 249.3).

Figure 249.3: A chi-squared (or χ²) test is a statistical hypothesis test used with large sample sizes, where:

χ² = test statistic
O = observed frequencies
E = expected frequencies
Σ = the sum of

In the case of ‘vaxxed’ versus ‘unvaxxed’, the sample sizes are in the tens of millions. The test is used primarily to examine whether two categorical variables are independent in influencing the test statistic. It is simple and conclusive.

It must be stressed, however, that the term ‘unvaccinated’ has been abused by State agencies. The term has been defined, incorrectly and deceitfully, to include all individuals injected within the previous fourteen days (Figure 249.4).

Figure 249.4: Look at the mortality data for the first 14 days post-injection. This time period accounts for the vast majority of deaths. Its inclusion in 
‘unvaccinated’ data is, therefore, transparently fraudulent.

Copyright © 2024 OpenVAERS

There is, of course, no good reason for the data to be withheld. That is the terrifying answer. An honest analysis would reveal, beyond the slightest doubt, that Big Pharma, Gates, Schwab et al. used their control of regulators, corporate media, corrupt academia and healthcare institutions to sell one of the biggest ever conspiracies: the ‘vaccines’ are toxic by design.

This is why these same sociopaths are so desperate to create all manner of distractions to avoid the spotlight. Meanwhile, the walls continue to close in on them.

N.B. Many Pharma apologists and propagandists have insisted that the explosion in heart attacks etc. has been one of the sequelae of ‘COVID’ infection. This is yet another lie. Only the synthetic proteins translated from the modified nucleic acids have been identified in inflamed myocardium/pericardium tissue samples. No viral proteins have ever been isolated. The inflammation is, therefore, caused by injection, not infection.

How strange it is, that, throughout the past five years, I have not had so much as a sniffle. My secret? Vitamins C, D3 and K2 along with zinc. Safe and effective.

Copyright © 2024 Paul Spradbery

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