Sunday, March 31, 2024

Happy Easter, Frida Maanum

I have promised several readers that I shall stop referencing clot shot deaths and injuries, but only on two conditions: (a) when they stop happening; and (b) when people are no longer blind to both the obvious cause and their own (often wilful) blindness.

Condition (b) threatens to be as formidable a hurdle as (a). It would be foolish to predict which of the two is more likely to happen first. Within the past week, I have been informed of the following:

1. A work colleague told me that his mother had just been admitted to hospital, suffering from bacterial pneumonia and sepsis. This was her second confinement, for the same reason, in the past two years. She is, otherwise, fit and healthy. When I mentioned that such an infectious condition is the consequence of immune deficiency, it barely registered with him. It was certainly not enough to make him contemplate the underlying cause, particularly given that so many other people have suddenly begun to suffer with immune-deficient pathologies (e.g. shingles, recurrent respiratory infections, cancer etc.).

2. A former work colleague remarked that he was not free last Thursday owing to having to attend a funeral. He mentioned, somewhat despairingly, that he had never been to so many funerals in such a short space of time but did not suggest any possible explanation. This was in spite of several of the deceased having been younger than himself (51 years).

3. My elder son told me, just yesterday, that his friend’s mother, whom I have known for fifteen years, has just been diagnosed with cancer. She is, I believe, in her late forties, and she and I are members of a WhatsApp chat group relating to a local sports club. I wonder whether she remembers the stroppy responses I received, from several members, when, in 2021, I offered them first-hand scientific data about the clot shots and warned what would happen to those who submitted — i.e. severe immune deficiency, blood clots and ‘turbo’ cancer, among many other nasty surprises. Did she believe me then? Does she believe me now?

Referring back to Condition (b), it seems unlikely that I shall stop writing about the clot shot any time soon. It was the eminent behavioural economist Daniel Kahneman (1934-2024) (Figure 253.1), who died only last Wednesday, who stated that the masses were frequently blind to both the obvious and their own blindness.

Figure 253.1: Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman expounded some powerful ideas, despite seeming (to me, at least) to be a bit of a contradiction. He believed in the protection of dissent, and yet was heavily associated with the totalitarian World Economic Forum.

Copyright © 2024 Jon Römer (Reuters)

The Canadian evolutionary psychologist Professor Steven Pinker (1954-) said of Kahneman:

His central message could not be more important, namely that human reason, left to its own devices, is apt to engage in a number of fallacies and systematic errors, so if we want to make better decisions in our personal lives and as a society, we ought to be aware of these biases and seek workarounds.

The words of both Kahneman and Pinker would, in my view, be useful starting points. The trouble with the uninformed and misinformed is that they are unlikely to address a manifestation of personal ignorance if they refuse to acknowledge its existence. A further psychological obstacle is that recognizing the stark truth would be require admission of their own erstwhile gullibility and unintelligent judgement.

*          *          *          *          *

While composing this article, and at the same time watching this afternoon’s Premier League football match between Manchester City and Arsenal, Sky Sports has announced that yet another sports professional has just collapsed on the field of play. At Molyneux, the home of Wolverhampton Wanderers Football Club, the Women’s League Cup final had to be delayed after the Norwegian international player Frida Maanum (1999-) fell to the ground, unconscious, and had to be given emergency treatment, including oxygen, for ten minutes, before being carried off the pitch surrounded by medical staff (Figures 253.2 & 253.3).

Figure 253.2: Those who insist that it is irresponsible to speculate on the cause of this tragic event, I accuse you of moral negligence. Only the opposite is virtuous: it would be irresponsible not to ask why we are witnessing so many similar ‘coincidences’.

Copyright © 2024 Peter Cziborra (Reuters)

Figure 253.3: This image should not be tomorrow’s (online) fish-and-chip paper, but I suspect it will be.

Copyright © 2024 Action Images via Reuters

I wish a full and quick recovery to this poor young sportswoman and all the other individuals whose ‘unexplained coincidences’ are yet to occur. If only enough people cared enough to speak out.

Happy Easter to all.

Copyright © 2024 Paul Spradbery

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