Friday, October 11, 2024

¡Viva la Libertad de Expresión

We continue to live in interesting times. These derive mainly from the desperation of the globalist power structure, underwritten by the USA which is rapidly going bankrupt. (American national debt is now rising by one trillion dollars — $1,000,000,000,000 — every three months. Moreover, the rate of increase is increasing.) The Middle East is going ballistic, literally; Ukraine is becoming a failed state and a post-apocalyptic wasteland; China is waiting to pounce on Taiwan; two assassination attempts on former US president Donald Trump have been scuppered; and the UK’s boneheaded prime minister, Keir ‘Two Tier, Free Gear’ Starmer, has a brainless wish to have NATO fire long-range missiles deep into Russia. If he and his ilk are serious, then some utter lunatics are running the global asylum.

Figure 262.1: I could not resist this meme. Tyrants hate being laughed at.

Copyright © 2024 Associated Newspapers Ltd & © 2012 Columbia Pictures

The globalists’ ultimate aim, as advertised by Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum and its principal backer, Bill Gates, is to reset the world, leaving the existing psychopaths in control. Their desperation is, however, growing, after their previous strategies failed to enslave humanity as they had planned.

As I have stressed, the ‘COVID’ hoax failed. The idea was to put in place an irreversible, tyrannical system of social control via ‘vaccine passports’, whereby those refusing to submit to toxic medical treatments, or anyone condemning the enforcement, could have their ‘passports’ rescinded, leading to personal ruin. Had ‘COVID’ succeeded, I would probably not be free to write this article.

This evil scheme was, thank heavens, blown out of the water. It was destroyed, principally, by the free flow of digital information. Schwab and his henchmen had it hammered into their thick skulls that, even with censorship algorithms and 24-hour corporate media lies, they could not control their false narrative fully. Eventually, and perhaps inevitably, millions of ordinary people woke up to the absurd notions of lockdowns, masks, mandates and taped-off children’s play areas in parks, not to mention that the ‘pandemic’ and the ‘vaccines’ were deliberate misnomers.

We can, and should, therefore, enjoy a good old belly laugh at the globalists’ expense. To all of you who saw through the scam, and resisted it, please remember always that one trillion dollars of propaganda could not get the better of you. Much credit is due, also, to independent bloggers and alternative media sources, who were relentless in their quest to expose lies and disseminate truth.

That said, the price of liberty remains eternal vigilance. We must not be so naïve as to assume that there will be no further attempts to enslave us all. For example, the ‘climate change’ falsehood has yet to be fully exposed to the world, despite the brave efforts of Professor John Clauser (1942-) (Nobel Prize in Physics, 2022) (Figure 262.2), among many other distinguished scientists, who have stated, correctly, that there is no climate crisis (Figure 262.3).

Figure 262.2: Professor Clauser (left) receiving his Nobel Prize
from H.M. King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden.

Copyright © 2024 Nobel Prize Outreach AB

Figure 262.3: Dr Ottmar Edenhofer, C
o-chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (2008-15), let the cat out of the bag in a 2010 interview, when he announced:

We (United Nations IPCC) redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore.

Copyright © 2024 Richard Koehler

Other means of globalist attack might involve another ‘plandemic’, perhaps bird flu, monkeypox or some other ridiculous scare story. Whatever happens next, the globalists have learned that freedom of expression is a mortal threat to their plans. Failed US presidential candidate John Kerry (1943-) has asserted that governance requires public information control, First Constitutional Amendment be damned. Another presidential reject, Hillary Clinton (1947-) screeched on CNN that, unless censorship is enforced, ‘we lose total control!’ In short, these shameless creatures are terrified of being exposed as pathological liars. Poor old Hitlary: she becomes more deranged with age.

As the excellent journalist Brandon Smith, of, points out:

‘When political elitists and their lackeys start attacking free speech, it’s usually in preparation for a major crisis that they hope to use as a vehicle to eliminate public freedoms. Free speech is the most important liberty because it enables the populace to discern through debate what the truth is and what to do about it.

‘The globalists thought they had a lock on information during covid and they were wrong. Whatever the next crisis ends up being, they will definitely seek to silence the alternative media and any rebellious social media platforms.’

We must, therefore, rise to whatever challenge comes humanity’s way. I have a feeling that there will be some contrived ‘event’ prior to the US presidential election on November 5th.

Before I sign off, here are the most recent ‘medical episodes’ from the football world:

George Baldock (1993-2024), Greek international footballer, born in England, died suddenly and unexpectedly, by drowning, at the age of 31. How come?

Jamie Reid (1994-), of Stevenage and Northern Ireland, missed recent matches owing to a blood clot in his calf.

Noussair Mazraoui (1997-), of Manchester United and Morocco, has just undergone heart surgery after experiencing palpitations.

Julio Enciso (2004-), of Brighton and Paraguay, suffered a medical emergency on board an aircraft, which left him fearing the worst.

September 27th: At Prenton Park, the Tranmere Rovers v Salford City match, which my sons and I attended (Figure 262.4), was stopped after a spectator collapsed and was rushed to hospital.

September 28th: At Hillsborough, Sheffield Wednesday v West Bromwich Albion, a spectator died of a heart attack during the match.

October 1st: At the Hawthorns, West Bromwich Albion v Middlesbrough, an assistant referee collapsed, was treated pitchside and ferried to hospital.

October 5th: At Wollaston, Stourbridge v Matlock Town, a fan suffered a cardiac arrest and was attended by an air ambulance.

Figure 262.4: Escritor and sons are on Row ‘L’.

Copyright © 2024 Tranmere Rovers Football Club

All the aforementioned events occurred within the space of about ten days. Of course, there are people in positions of immense power who are adamant that I ought to be prevented from mentioning such incidents. Why are you so afraid of free speech, Hillary?

Copyright © 2024 Paul Spradbery

Monday, August 26, 2024

Guilt (2024): A Short Film

The A1 is the longest numbered road in the United Kingdom. This old coach route runs northward from London, along the eastern flank of England, to the Scottish capital, Edinburgh, a total distance of 396 miles. Originally, it bisected cities and market towns, including Peterborough, Grantham, Doncaster, Leeds, York and Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Today, modern by-passes divert the through traffic, leaving a few semi-hidden gems.

One such by-passed town almost borders four counties, namely Lincolnshire, Cambridgeshire, Northamptonshire and Rutland. (Think of the centre of a cross.) It consists of distinctive stone buildings, narrow lanes running down to a bifurcating river, and there are five medieval churches within a stone’s throw of each other (Figure 261.1).

It is hardly surprising, therefore, that the town has been used as a location for a number of films, most notably period dramas based on the works of Jane Austen (1775-1817), Charles Dickens (1812-70) and George Eliot (1819-80). Roaming the town’s well-preserved precincts and thoroughfares, it is easy to understand why it lends itself so well to film-making.

Figure 261.1: An aerial view of Stamford, Lincolnshire

Copyright © 2024 Video for Websites

This article is to showcase a short (eight-minute) film (Figure 261.2) made in the town, under the expert tutelage of the UK Film School, from July 29th to August 2nd.

Figure 261.2: Very well done to all involved.

Copyright © 2024 UK Film School

I particularly liked the camerawork for the opening scene.

Copyright © 2024 Paul Spradbery

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Redaction Required?

In Article 252, I quoted the American presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jnr (1954-), who said:

There is no time in history where the people who were censoring speech were the good guys.

Those censoring speech (and written expression) in 2024 include tech, media and Big Pharma corporations, governments and supranational bodies such as the antidemocratic European Union. You might also remember a certain Keir Starmer, now prime minister, casually explaining on breakfast television in 2020 that he would be happy to pass emergency legislation to censor ‘anti-vax’ campaigns because they ‘cost lives’. Knave or fool? Either way, Starmer, as well as being scientifically illiterate, seems to have little respect for freedom of speech, so beware!

In 2021, one of my own articles on this website was censored, although reinstated after I had objected. Article 259, published several days ago, became the second to fall victim to the censor’s axe. It is, therefore, just as well that I routinely take screenshots prior to publication. Here is the censored article, with a few redactions, published as a JPEG (picture) file so that individual words could not be flagged by the censor’s algorithm (Figure 260.1). Will it survive more than a few days? We shall see.

Figure 260.1: The previously censored Article 259

 Copyright © 2024 Paul Spradbery

Throughout the  ‘plandemic’ hoax, those censored include Nobel Laureates in both Chemistry and Medicine or Physiology. Ask yourself: who does not want the public to hear or read expert and honestly-held views? Then ask why not.

Copyright © 2024 Paul Spradbery

Saturday, June 22, 2024

We Fought The Foo

I dare say that very few cool, street-smart 19-year-olds would choose their 58-year-old dads to take to a stadium rock concert. If that is the case, then lucky man am I.

London Stadium, England

The summer solstice occurred last Thursday. Throughout May and the first half of June, the weather here has been dismal and relatively cool for the time of year. (That, however, has not stopped all those tedious ‘climate change’ freaks claiming that May experienced record high temperatures.) All changed, as if scripted, on the longest day of the year.

At 5:18 p.m., my elder son and I were leaning against a lamppost, waiting for an Uber taxi, somewhere beyond Stratford High Street in East London. A moment before we climbed into the vehicle, we learned that Harry Kane had just opened the scoring in England’s Euro 24 football match against Denmark, which put us in an even more positive frame of mind as we set off for the concert.

The London Stadium has been the home of West Ham United Football Club since 2016. Before that, it served as the athletics venue for the 2012 Summer Olympics. Today, as well as hosting dozens of top-flight football matches per year, the stadium is one of the UK’s top venues for music concerts by acts that can make enough noise to fill the ears of 80,000 attendees.

Enter, with sound volume set north of 11, the Foo Fighters (Figure 258.1). Formed in Seattle, Washington, USA in 1994, by ex-Nirvana drummer Dave Grohl (1969-), the band has since released eleven studio albums, won 15 Grammy Awards and was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2021. To the collective delight of the packed crowd, Grohl, with the voice of a white Mr T, announced:

All you mother------s out there at the back ... and all you mother------s down here at the front ... for the next three hours ... yer asses are ours!

It would seem that, in Seattle, ‘mother’ is only half a word, but Grohl was as good as his.

Figure 258.1: 8:20 p.m. The Foo Fighters ‘rocking the (East End) kasbah’. This was our view from Block 232 in the East Stand.

Copyright © 2024 Paul Spradbery

Three solid hours of rock-and-Grohl was never likely to underwhelm. Recent tracks, such as The Teacher (2023) — a new favourite of my son’s (Figure 258.2) — blended seamlessly with 90s classics such as Monkey Wrench, Everlong and My Hero as well as the timeless Times Like These (2003) whose every note and word was known by young and old alike.

Figure 258.2: 9.39 p.m. Filming the Foo Fighters

Copyright © 2024 Paul Spradbery

Amid the raucous celebration of a three-decade back catalogue, the evening was not without its poignant moments. After an evening of hyperactive percussion work, the band’s new drummer, the already-legendary Josh Freese (1972-), gave up his seat and kit to Shane Hawkins, the 17-year-old son of former drummer Taylor Hawkins who died — you’ve guessed, ‘suddenly and unexpectedly’ — a couple of years ago in a hotel room in Bogotá, Colombia.

The precise cause of Hawkins’s death remains unconfirmed. Although reputedly in good health prior to his fatal collapse, a preliminary report published by the Colombian Fiscalía General de la Nación stated that opioids, benzodiazepines, tricyclic antidepressants and a cannabis-derivative (THC) were identified from toxicological analysis. (That information, by itself, tells us very little, as blood concentrations are crucial and were not given.) It was noted, more tellingly, that Hawkins’s heart was found to be twice its normal size — an all-too-common sign of death by ‘COVID vaccine’ — but could have failed as a consequence of a combination of drugs in his system. It would, therefore, be negligent to rule out the most prevalent current cause of acute cardiovascular collapse.

In 2021, the band made unfortunate headlines by refusing to allow the ‘unvaccinated’ into their shows. Band members, staff and all concert-goers were required to provide proof of ‘vaccination’, which, according to band-leader Grohl, ‘keeps everybody safe’. As a long-term admirer of Grohl and his music, I have some sympathy for yet another propaganda victim wanting to do what he had been told was scientifically justifiable. Serious objective research would, however, have proved that such a policy was highly dangerous. Given the premature death of one of his closest friends, not to mention those of millions more since 2021, I do wonder whether, now, in quiet moments of solitude, Grohl struggles with his conscience. Would an ‘unvaccinated’ Taylor Hawkins still be alive today? We shall never know, but overwhelming statistical evidence should never be dismissed.

This wild-and-wonderful event ended with fireworks, both off stage and, metaphorically, on it, just before 10:30 p.m. (Figure 258.3). Grohl and co. had shown to 80,000 of their loud-and-loyal London fans that real music played by crack musicians still counts for a great deal (Figure 258.4).

Figure 258.3: 10:23 p.m. The Foo Fighters’ Fireworks Finale (Photo)

Copyright © 2024 Paul Spradbery

Figure 258.4: 10:24 p.m. The Foo Fighters’ Fireworks Finale (Video)

Copyright © 2024 James Spradbery

After the show ended, it became clear that dissipating such a vast crowd required far more off-ramps than were available in this part of East London. By the lights of all the new high-rise office blocks, we made our way, extremely slowly, with tens of thousands of others, still singing encores, in the vague direction of Stratford Tube Station. This major transport hub is, as the crow flies, less than one kilometre from the stadium, but it still took us more than a hour to pass it on our way back to Broadway.

Somewhere among that 80,000 crowd (Figure 258.5) were two blokes with a 39-year age gap bouncing around as if nothing outside the packed stadium mattered. Thanks, son.

Figure 258.5: With regard to rock concerts in my home country, I have been lucky. Eagles (London, 2008; Manchester, 2009 & 2014); Electric Light Orchestra (Birmingham, 1991; Chester, 1994); Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band (Sheffield, 1988); Jeff Wayne’s War of the Worlds (Manchester, 2006); The Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert (London, 1992); Asia (New Brighton, 2007); and Queen’s last ever concert (Knebworth, 1986) were the most memorable. Foo Fighters (London, 2024) has just been added to the list.

Copyright © 2024 Foo Fighters

In memoriam: Oliver Taylor Hawkins (1972-2022).

Copyright © 2024 Paul Spradbery

Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Mysterious Dr Mosley

A fortnight ago, news bulletins in the UK were falling over themselves with speculation following the strange and sudden disappearance of a so-called ‘television doctor’ called Michael Mosley (Figure 257.1) on the (Dodecanese) Greek island of Symi. Perhaps it was just me, but the synchronized, dawn-till-darkness corporate media coverage of this minor mystery seemed contrived. Furthermore, given the lies, exaggerations and propaganda which have come to define mass media outlets, anyone with critical thinking skills was bound to be suspicious — but of what? The media frenzy ended when it was announced that Dr Mosley’s body had been found on a rocky coastal footpath.

Figure 257.1: The charismatic Dr Michael Mosley, posing in scrubs for a photograph at King’s College Hospital, London.

Copyright © 2018 Associated Newspapers Ltd

Allow me to start with some background. Dr Michael Mosley attended New College, Oxford in 1975 to read Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE). This relatively easy subject is often the chosen path for those intending to pursue a career in either national politics, City of London finance or with the Security Service (MI5).

After a short spell as a City banker, during which he would probably have earned an extremely good living, he changed course and spent five years as a medical student, presumably unpaid. Following his graduation from medical school in 1985, he did not practice medicine at all. This seems even more odd than the fact that he gave up so much to read the subject in the first place, but not as odd as the fact that some of his contemporaries have little or no recollection of him. (Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, another Oxford PPE graduate, claims to have completed postgraduate studies at Stanford University in the USA, although some of his colleagues, too, seem unable to remember anything about him.)

Dr Mosley joined the BBC at the age of 28 and remained there for almost four decades. He became well known, eventually, as a trusted and knowledgeable ‘television doctor’, appearing regularly on our screens, offering medical advice, and writing numerous books, despite having had no experience working as a qualified medic.

When the ‘COVID’ scam began, Dr Mosley was a constant presence on daytime television and wrote articles for a national daily newspaper. His opinions, however, were medically illiterate and, in my view, quite disgusting for a man who had, apparently, intended to make medicine his vocation.

The following were the titles of some of his articles:

1. Why vaccine immunity is better than natural immunity

2. Why I’ve banned an unjabbed friend from my festive party

3. Yes, NHS workers MUST have their jabs

Title (1) is factually incorrect, as any first-year medical undergraduate would testify.

Title (2) suggests that Dr Mosley was ignorant of the fact that the fraudulently-named ‘vaccines’ did nothing to prevent either illness or microbiological transmission, as was already known by anyone who had taken the trouble to read the literature.

Title (3) is the opinion of either an ill-educated tyrant or a corrupt stooge. (Fortunately, the ‘vaccine’ mandate for health workers was scrapped after 100,000 NHS staff refused point blank to be injected. What were they all so afraid of?)

The rest of his spoutings, from 2020 onwards, contained a similar concentration of bovine excrement and displayed a fanatical desire to tear up the Nuremberg Code, Geneva Conventions, Declaration of Helsinki and the whole concept of medical ethics in general.

What a convenient coincidence, then, that, the week the Telegraph became the first mass media organization to mention all the excess deaths caused by the ‘vaccines’ (Article 256), one of the media’s most vociferous ‘vaccine’-pushers keels over, hence precluding any future opportunity to answer for himself.

Of course, Dr Mosley was not the only ‘television doctor’ spewing dangerous medical nonsense throughout the non-existent pandemic (Figures 257.2 & 257.3).

Figure 257.2: In 2021, according to the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI), Dr Ranj Singh (pictured), another BBC regular, was paid £22,500 by ‘vaccine’-manufacturer AstraZeneca. He claimed that serious side-effects were ‘rare’.

Copyright © 2024 Digitalbox Publishing Ltd

Figure 257.3: In 2020, Dr Philippa Kaye (pictured), a London doctor, was paid £12,500 by AstraZeneca. In 2022, she was paid a further £9,000. As well as doing her clinical work, she was a regular contributor to videos endorsed by the Department of Health, encouraging people to be ‘vaccinated’.

Copyright © 2024 Associated Newspapers Limited

The AstraZeneca poison has since been withdrawn, owing to its high toxicity and lethality.

N.B. If, incidentally, any of the aforementioned information is shown to be incorrect, I would withdraw it immediately and offer a sincere public apology.

Alex Fell, the newly-appointed Director of the Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA) has been asked to investigate possible breaches of the ABPI code of practice for Big Pharma. As I await further information, I hope that all such pushers of this injectable toxic filth are themselves jabbed and boosted to the eyeballs.

You can probably guess my next questions.

1. Did Dr Mosley ever receive substantial sums of money from ‘vaccine’ manufacturers or their associates during the ‘pandemic’, as his counterparts did?

2. Is Dr Mosley really dead? Or did he, at the standard retirement age of 67, simply ‘exit stage left’ — if you know, you know — to live the rest of his days free from subsequent investigation?

3. If he is dead, was it really, as has been stated, a result of ‘natural causes’; or was he, ironically, yet another victim of the clot shot which he had recommended to millions of others?

4. Was he about to blow the whistle and, consequently, silenced?

The crux of the issue is that Dr Mosley offered medical advice to millions of people, knowing full well that his complete lack of practising experience should have disqualified him from doing so. I wonder how many innocents have died or been seriously injured as a result of this charlatan’s ignorant pronouncements. (Trolls, do not bother griping about my ‘speaking ill of the dead’. Anyone who, from a phoney position of authority, encouraged others to gamble so recklessly with their lives deserves no such respect, so lay off me with the foaming emails.)

I shall finish off with this weekend’s tragic additions to the expanding annals of ‘Died Suddenly and Unexpectedly, Est. 2021’ (Figure 257.4 & 257.5).

Figure 257.4: Matija Sarkic (1997-2024) & Kevin Campbell (1970-2024). RIP.

Copyright © 2024 Sky UK

Figure 257.5: Somewhere in England

Copyright © 2024 Truth11

For the forthcoming UK general election, on July 4th, only the Reform Party has stated that it would investigate spiralling excess deaths and ‘COVID vaccine’ harms.


Just three days later (Figure 257.6) ...

Figure 257.6: Connor Garden-Bachop (1999-2024). RIP.

Copyright © 2024 Sky UK

I wonder which poor soul will be next on my list.

Copyright © 2024 Paul Spradbery

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

No ‘May’ About It

As the British people brace themselves for another general election charade, the issue of the clot shot democide is threatening to crash the Kabuki theatre stage. Aside from the prospect of a kinetic war with Russia, mainstream media have begun to acknowledge the ten-ton elephant which sits in every street in the land. The following news item appeared in today’s Daily Telegraph (Figure 256.1) and I am beginning to wonder whether some elements of national media are about to try to distance themselves from the clot shot crimes and perps.

Figure 256.1: May be to blame? There is no ‘may’ about it. Perhaps this is a limited hangout, as the truth can no longer be denied with a straight face. Never forget: this publication, like so many others, was a shameless supporter of the COVID scam throughout. Kudos, nevertheless, to journalist Sarah Knapton for mentioning the unmentionable.

Copyright © 2024 Telegraph Media Group Ltd

In Japan, the most senior medical oncologist in the country has recently described the clot shot as the work of evil’ that has caused essentially murder. In the United States, the 21st-century’s Doctor Mengele’, Anthony Fauci, has admitted that masking and (anti-)social distancing were based on no science whatsoever. In Slovakia, Prime Minister Robert Fico, who launched a nationwide inquiry into the ‘vaccine’, excess deaths and the corrupt EU-Pfizer deal (Article 247), has recently survived an assassination attempt.

You might also be aware of the fact that other national leaders who resisted the tyranny — Jovenel Moïse (1968-2021), President of Haiti; John Magufuli (1959-2021), President of Tanzania; and Shinzo Abe (1954-2022), former Japanese prime minister — were either killed or died in suspicious circumstances. The common factor is not difficult to spot.

Three years on from the clot shot rollout, only the truly dull-witted are failing to connect the dots, and only the pathologically dishonest are refusing to do so. Does the following montage consist entirely of unrelated coincidences (Figure 256.2)?

Figure 256.2: If you type died suddenly’ into any search engine, you will gain some idea of the sheer number of excess deaths, particularly among young people.

Alternatively ...

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Even common criminals have standards. This goes way beyond anything in human history. It is pure evil; and no, I will not be quiet. These bastards can try to censor me any time they choose. Two things I share with Thatcher: a scientist’s brain and I ain’t frit.

Copyright © 2024 Paul Spradbery

Wednesday, May 08, 2024

AstraZeneca Clot Shot Withdrawn!

As the truth about the clot shot pervades the minds of all individuals of sufficient intelligence, this week’s good news is that the AstraZeneca (AZ) ‘COVID vaccine’ has, at last, been withdrawn worldwide (Figures 255.1 & 255.2). Humanity can afford to rejoice, but only a little. Countless human guinea pigs have already been either killed or maimed by these diabolical drugs, and no one can predict how many more time-bomb-sitters are yet to be taken down.

Figure 255.1: Scientists capable of critical thinking were already screaming blue murder about these ‘vaccines’ before they were rolled out. I am proud to have been among their number. Given that only 1% of serious adverse events are reported, and that the AZ version was only one of four types, it should be evident that we are witnessing an unprecedented pharmacological disaster. A conservative estimate is that 100,000 British citizens have been killed by these drugs. The worldwide figure is in excess of 20 million — and counting.

Copyright © 2024 Associated Newspapers Ltd

Figure 255.2: While I would commend the Mail for daring to hint at the truth, the words ‘rare’ and ‘may be linked to 81 deaths’ are disingenuous in the extreme.

Hang your head in shame, Stephen Matthews, Associate Editor, for having written, or at least failed to correct, the appalling phrase, ‘may’ve ran out of time’. Urgh.

Copyright © 2024 Associated Newspapers Ltd

Now cast your minds back to June 2021. At the annual Wimbledon Tennis Championships in London, the leader of AZ’s research and development team, Professor (now Dame) Sarah Gilbert (1962-) was given a standing ovation by the crowd for her prominent role in producing a ‘safe and effective vaccine’ in a matter of weeks — long-term rigorous testing be damned. I watched this sorry episode on television (Figure 255.3) and felt ready to vomit.

Figure 255.3: I could not help but think that the esteemed professor (front centre) appeared rather sheepish in this picture. How appropriate. I wonder how she feels today, in the light of all the deaths and injuries caused by the lethal AZ product.

Copyright © 2021 Twitter @ Wimbledon

Despite this news being welcome, it has led to £3 billion being added to AZ’s valuation (Figure 255.4). Of course, having been indemnified by the State against claims for damages, not a penny will be paid by AZ to the bereaved or injured. All such expenses will be met by the taxpayer.

Figure 255.4: AZ’s stock price jumped at the news.

Copyright © 2024 IEX Cloud

There is, meanwhile, another issue gnawing away at the back of my mind. When the four versions of the drug were rolled out, AZ received more bad press than either Pfizer, J & J or Moderna. The pharma cartel pushing the modified (mod) RNA delivery platform seemed to view the (non-modRNA) AZ project as an annoying competitor, despite the modRNA technology having performed so disastrously in all previous trials. Today, huge, dedicated facilities are being built worldwide to expand the modRNA platform to be used for a multitude of novel ‘vaccines’. Even though more and more of the public are becoming wise to the clot shot genocide, I still wonder whether any of the modRNA versions will be withdrawn vis-à-vis AZ.

It might be the case that the perpetrators of the ‘COVID’ scam wanted all along for the modRNA drugs to end up standing alone to be perceived by the ignorant as the ‘sole saviours of the pandemic’. This might yet be the end result.

It is to be hoped that when these same perps try to force more lethal drugs on the entire world, the masses will be less gullible than they were in 2021. Once poisoned, twice shy?

N.B. You will notice that I have not referred to this deadly drug delivery platform as ‘mRNA’ which is, unfortunately, common practice. The reason is, ‘mRNA’ is a standard abbreviation of ‘messenger RNA’ which is a vital cog in the normal DNA transcription process. Modified (mod) RNA means that one of the molecular bases has been substituted for an artificial, and less degradation-prone, alternative. They are not the same thing.

Copyright © 2024 Paul Spradbery